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5 Export to Reports

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Export to Report

This enables you to copy the tables from ERP and export them in an ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) format to enable the tables to be used in any application that you want. eg. Excel, Access, Open Office

How do you use the "Export to Report DB"?

Select Utilities tab Export to Report DB button There will be a list of tables that can be export Select by clicking in the box along side of the Table you require. The button Select all automatically selects all of the tables The button Unselect all clears the selection

Then select the Export Button

Preparing ODBC Alias:

Go to the Control Panel and select Administrative Tools Double click Data Sources (ODBC) option Select User DSN tab then select Add From the list select MySQL ODBC driver and press the Finish button (if you do not have the MySQL ODBC driver, download it from the internet) at

Change the values of the following fields:

Connection Name: ERP_Export Host name/IP address: Name of MySQL server, in this case "Localhost" Port: 3309 User Name: Export Password: Export then press OK

First time you export to the read only tables the password is not active. Export to the read only tables again to make the password active.

Connecting the application to the reporting Data:

Make sure that you have prepared ODBC Alias as described above Start up the Application eg. Excel and from the main menu select Data=>Import External Data=>New Database Query From the Tab Databases select Export Data Alias and press OK (You should get the List of exported Tables)