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6. Non-Inventory Type

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Non-Inventory Type

Non-inventory is a type of product that is purchased or sold but whose quantity is not tracked. This type of items are purchased for company use or custom product purchased for Projects.

Non-Inventory Type- Do you understand how a "Non-Inventory" type product works?

Non-Inventory Type track products for inventory on purchases and sales. Non-Inventory Items appear in the customer process, on Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, or customer Credit Notes.

Use Non-Inventory Items to track merchandise that:

  • You sell but do not purchase.
  • You purchase but do not resell.
  • You purchase and resell but do not track as inventory.

Non-inventory items are items that you purchase (usually on behalf of a specific customer) and then immediately sell or install, or items that you sell without ever buying. For non-inventory items, Accounting and Finance, will only track how much you have spent or taken in. Some people use non-inventory items even for items that they stock because they prefer a simpler approach—even though it gives them less information.

E.g. Boxes/masking tape – but you’re not organizing stock amount