6 Naming a Product
From TrueERP wiki
Naming a Product
Do you understand why we use logical names here, as opposed to codes?
ERP is designed around the ability to Filter, Search and Sort on anything within any list or report. It is also designed to work with the smallest amount of steps and understanding required. With this in mind, you should design your products names around the fact that the staff don't know any product codes for your products.
With the above in mind, you would on the main Product Form, use Logical names to describe your products and put any Product Specific Codes, under the Miscellaneous tab or in the Extra Buy tab.
This way if someone was to search for "Bridgestone Wheels" they would simply type in "Bridgestone Wheels". By also adding the Product Code under the Miscellaneous tab; if someone was to lookup the code for Bridgestone Wheels of "BW678UI", they would also find the same product.