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8 Filters

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Do you know how to Filter a list or report to show only specific details?

  • Filters and Queries can be accessed and created from within reports and lists, across all Modules. There is no limit to the number of columns and data you can filter on at the same time, but keep in mind the difference between an And filter and an Or filter.
  • Right mouse click in any number of columns or fields you wish to filter and a range of options will pop up. Then Left mouse click on the desired filter.
  • And filters - to name and something else Or filters -  to name or something elsePartial filters -  part of a name/option/word Exclude excludes something E.g. date range Bracket - a bracket can be created with a filter within it then a further one created. To be used when you require a calculation to be done, before another command
  • When a Filter has been created, Right mouse click and choose Preview to view details.
  • If you wish to Clear a filter you have created, Right mouse click and choose Clear Filter from the options.
  • If the Filter you have created is one that would be re-used, this can be saved by right mouse clicking and selecting Add Custom Filter, type in a name for it and Save. The Custom Filter will then run automatically when selected in the future. You can add further filters as you require.
  • Creating a Default Custom Filter will open that list when this filter is active everytime.
  • A quick and easy way of Filtering is to select the data required, then hold down and press "Ctrl + Shift + N" at the same time.