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9 New Lead

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New Lead

What are the different ways to create a Lead?

Select the Marketing Tab Select the Telemarketing button Select the required 'Selection Criteria' from the Contacts Lists drop down menu Upon selection of 'Lead' from the Action Type column (or by selecting the Lead button at bottom of screen) the Lead form will load and all further follow ups etc are to be entered from the Lead screen

Select the Marketing Tab Select the Leads button Enter the new Lead name into the "Company" field and select tab on your keyboard The Marketing Contacts screen will load for you to enter all available data on your new Lead NB: This form requires at least a First Name before the record can be saved.

Select the Marketing Tab Select the Leads button Select the new Lead from the Company drop down list which feeds data directly from the Marketing Contacts list. NB: Only Contacts that have not yet been converted to a Lead will display.