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9 Search on Columns

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Search on Columns

What are the 2 different methods for selecting a column to search on?

When you open any list / report in ERP the cursor will default to the 'Search Text' field and the default search column will be the first column, i.e. far left column as you look at your screen.

Therefore it is important that each user customise their lists so the first column is the one they would search by most commonly, e.g. in the Customer List most users would have 'Company Name' set as their default search column (first column / far left as you look at your screen).

If you wish to change the column you want to search in there are 2 methods to do this...

1st Method...

Left mouse click on any row in the grid of the column you want to search by, e.g. Customer Type column By default this will change the "Search Column" in the drop down menu top left of screen.

NB: Do NOT left mouse click on the Header of the column as this will simply sort the column selected, alpha numerically ascending or descending.

Place your cursor back into the "Search Text" field, generally found directly under the Header Name of the list / report you are in.

Start typing the text as per what you want to search for, e.g. "Trade" Customer Type

The list will sort the selected column alpha numerically and highlight the lines as per the search text. The colour of the highlight will be determined by the personal preference set by the user. Refer... Employee>Personal Preferences>General section>User Default Lists Search Selection Colour.... 'Set Colour Default' button.

NB: This search is a left to right search, i.e. "Trade" must be the first word in the column you are searching by. Refer to F5, F6, F7 Filter searches to perform a search for text anywhere in the column.

2nd Method...

Select your new search column from the "Search Column" drop down menu found near the top left of screen.

Place your cursor back into the "Search Text" field, generally found directly under the Header Name of the list / report you are in.

Start typing the text as per what you want to search for, e.g. "Trade" Customer Type

The list will sort the selected column alpha numerically and highlight the lines as per the search text. The colour of the highlight will be determined by the personal preference set by the user. Refer... Employee>Personal Preferences>General section>User Default Lists Search Selection Colour.... 'Set Colour Default' button.

NB: This search is a left to right search, i.e. "Trade" must be the first word in the column you are searching by. Refer to F5, F6, F7 Filter searches to perform a search for text anywhere in the column.