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Corrective Action Reporting

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Corrective Action Reporting: To access this function. Go to General and click Corrective Action Reporting function button.

This function is about the complaints on the sale or purchase you have done and what actions need to be taken. In the Corrective Action Reporting screen you can see six tabs.

- CAR Details - Imm. Action - Prev. Measures - Mgmt Review - Outcome Review - Outcome Review Options

CAR Details: This is about corrective action report details. Here you will enter the basic details of the complaint. What action to take, you can select from the drop down menu or can create the same from here. In the description of the problem you can state the problem related to the product the complaint is about. From the Select Sale you can track the sale for which the complaint is about. Once you click select sale it will open the Product Sales List. You can select the sale for which the complaint is. The Product will come automatically in the product section. Select the employees and add comments in the improvement suggestion.

You can print this out and can choose the template as well on which you wan to print this out.

Imm. Action: This tab is about Immediate action on the complaint. What action required, action date and actioned by can be selected. Can enter Immediate details about the action. Also you can see the entire history of the actions taken earlier on this.

Prev. Measures: This tab is about Prevention Measures. What measures you suggest to take in order to prevent this problem to occur.

Mgmt Review: Management Review is the review by the management and their comments on this problem and what corrective measure management provides.

Outcome Review: This tabs tells you the corrective measures taken and the outcome of the problem reported.

Outcome Review Options: Here you can select or create outcome review options.
