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Delivery Docket Audit

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Delivery Docket Audit: To access Delivery Docket Audit; Go to Utilities and click on the Delivery Docket Audit button.

This button will open a window with Delivery Docket Audit heading and will show the list of all the clients to whom the goods have been delivered. You can drill down to any entry by double clicking on it and it will take you to the type of data it is, giving you detail information about that transaction.

There are different search options available for your ease to search for particular data. You can see the list of Delivery Docket Audit data by using the Printed, Not Printed, Emailed, Not emailed or All option, using any of the option will show you the data corresponding to the selection you make.

Customise: Can customise the list according to your requirement from the Customise tab. You can customise your columns, can change the font and its color. Also you can create a new column as per your requirement. Can go to default setting by clicking on default.

Print Del Docket: This option will allow you to print an individual slip of each entry, with all the details of the product and customer in the slip. You need to select an entry from the list and then click on the Print Del Docket.

Export: By clicking on this tab you can export the list to Excel Spreadsheets.

Print: This print option will print out the complete Delivery Docket Audit List, and not an individual delivered item.