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Receipt Printer Settings

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Refer to your ERP POS Preference settings for your required Receipt Printer settings. Set the Receipt Printer settings in Customise POS to either look at the Default Preference settings or select the individual settings for the respective PC.

After all ERP requirements are set as desired, if you receive the following message please refer to your WINDOWS port settings to resolve.

Message when attempting to print from ERP POS. Usually you will receive this message 3 times, then the receipt will print.

“Could not Initialize printer port”

To stop this message you must change your Windows port settings as per the following:

1/ Ensure the latest Driver for your Printer has been installed. (Refer to your manufacturers website)

1/ Open 'Control Panel'

2/ Select 'System'

3/ Select 'Harware'

4/ Select 'Device Manager'

5/ Select 'Ports (COM & LPT)'

6/ Select 'Communications Port (COM 1)

7/ Double Click to open the properties OR Right Click and select 'Properties'

8/ Select the 'Port Settings' tab

9/ Ensure these match your Receipt Printer settings. To print a copy of these, turn your printer off, then hold down the 'Feed' button and turn the Printer back on (while still holding the feed button). Common Com Port Receipt Printer settings are:

- Bits per second: 9600

- Data bits: 8

- Parity: None

- Stop bits: 1

- Flow Control: Hardware

(NB your printout from your receipt printer will possibly display the 'Handshake' as DTR/DSR - this is set as 'Hardware' in your Windows settings.)

10/ Select the 'Advanced' button on the 'Port Settings' tab and check the following: -

Tick 'Use FIFO buffers (requires 16550 compatible UART)'

11/ Select the 'Resources' tab and check the following settings: -

Untick 'Use automatic settings' -

Select 'Current Configuration' from the dropdown menu of 'Setting Based on:'

12/ Restart your PC to ensure all settings are captured.

NB: The above settings are a guideline only. It is important to note that if you receive a message referring to the Printer Port, then you should refer to your Windows settings to resolve. However, be certain that you have set your ERP preferences to look at the correct port, e.g. COM 1, COM 2 etc