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Line 17: Line 17:
[[15. Negative PO]]
[[15. Negative PO]]
[[16. Account Credit]]
[[16. Account Credit]]
[[17. Return Authority]]
[[17. Smart Order]]
[[18. Negative PO]]
[[18. Staff Requests]]
[[19. Account Credit]]
[[19. Merging Smart Orders]]
[[20. Smart Order]]
[[20. Auto Create PO]]
[[21. Automatic Smart Orders]]
[[21. Linking Sales to PO's]]
[[22. Staff Requests]]
[[22. FX Preferences]]
[[23. Merging Smart Orders]]
[[23. FX Rates]]
[[24. Auto Create PO]]
[[24. FX History]]
[[25. Linking Sales to PO's]]
[[25. Landed Costs]]
[[26. Requesting a Supplier Quote]]
[[26. Creating FX Purchase Orders]]
[[27. Expense Claims]]
[[27. Entering FX Values]]
[[28. Pay a Supplier]]
[[28. FX Expense]]
[[29. Reimburse an Employee]]
[[29. Relate to Purchase Order]]
[[30. Importing Landed Costs]]
[[31. Adjusting Import Costs]]
[[32. Don't Include Landed Costs]]
[[33. Average v Landed]]
[[34. Does the spreadsheet example make sense?]]

Revision as of 09:11, 19 November 2014


Purchases Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] New Supplier - Can you enter a New Supplier populating data within each tab of the Supplier Card?

2. [ ] Bank Details - Why do we enter the banking details for a Supplier?

3. [ ] New Contacts - Can you enter Supplier Contact Details and understand the Primary Contact functionality?

4. [ ] Bill v Purchase Order - Do you understand the difference between a Bill and a Purchase Order?

5. [ ] Entering a Bill - Can you enter a Bill?

6. [ ] Last Account Used - Can you turn on the preference to auto load the last used account?

7. [ ] New Purchase Order - Can you enter a Purchase Order?

8. [ ] Printing and Email Options - How do you print and or email this PO?

9.[ ] Back Order PO - Can you create a back order?

10.[ ] Back Order List - Where do you find a Back Ordered PO?

11.[ ] Receiving a PO - Can you receive the back order?

12.[ ] Partially Receiving a PO - Do you understand the number sequencing with a partially received order?

13.[ ] Transaction Sequence - Do you know the different ways of accessing the Transaction Sequence list?

14.[ ] Entering an Invoice Number - Can you enter the suppliers invoice number on the PO and why is this so important?

15.[ ] Entire Process - Do you know how to do the entire process in one?

16.[ ] Approval Levels - Do you understand how Approval Levels can be applied to individual Employees for Purchasing?

17.[ ] Return Authority - Can you enter a RA (Return Authority)?

18.[ ] Negative PO - Can you create a supplier product and account credit from a Return Authority?

19.[ ] Account Credit - Can you create an account credit?

20.[ ] Smart Order - Can you create a Smart Order?

21.[ ] Automatic Smart Orders - Do you know the different ways ERP can generate Smart Orders and the required Preference settings?

22.[ ] Staff Requests - How do you create a Staff request for products?

23.[ ] Merging Smart Orders - Do you know how to merge smart orders?

24.[ ] Auto Create PO - Do you know where the purchase orders are saved once created?

25.[ ] Linking Sales to PO's - Can you create a Purchase Order specifically for a customer?

26.[ ] Requesting a Supplier Quote - Can you request a Supplier Quote from the Smart Order list?

27.[ ] Expense Claims - Can you create an Expense Claim Request?

28.[ ] Pay a Supplier - Can you create a Bill from an Expense Claim Request?

29.[ ] Reimburse an Employee - Can you create a Cheque from an Expense Claim request?