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<menu name="myMenu" align="center">
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[[1 Multiple Sell Prices]]
[[1. Average vs Last]]
[[2 Customer Types]]
[[2. Multiple Sell Prices]]
[[3 Extra Sell]]
[[3. Extra Sell Dates]]
[[4 Date Ranged]]
[[4. FX Sell]]
[[5 Sell Volumes]]
[[5. FX Buy]]
[[6 Foreign Sell]]
[[6. Data Import]]
[[7 Importing Values]]
[[7. Serial Number Tracking]]
[[8 Serial Numbers]]
[[8. Serial Number & Batch/Bin combined]]
[[9 Allocation Of..]]
[[9. Auto Fill]]
[[10 Allocating Bins]]
[[10. Serial Numbers interaction]]
[[11 Selling from a Bin]]
[[11. Serial Number Lists]]
[[12 Creating Batches]]
[[12. Batch Tracking]]
[[13 Allocating Batches]]
[[13. Batch Allocation]]
[[14 Data Uploader]]
[[14. F9]]
[[15 Allocating Serial Numbers]]
[[15. Bin Locations]]
[[16 Creating Serial Numbers]]
[[16. Bin Tracking]]
[[17 Selling Serial Numbers]]
[[17. Automatic Allocation]]
[[18 F9]]
[[18. Bin Allocation]]
[[19 Bill of Materials]]
[[19. Not Allocated]]
[[20 Barcode Picking]]
[[20. Auto Adjust]]
[[21 Auto Adjust]]
[[21. Stock Qty's & Locations]]
[[22 Matrix Products]]
[[22. Data Update]]
[[23 Department Quantities]]
[[23. Manufacturing]]
[[24 Multiple Barcodes]]
[[24. Bill of Materials]]
[[25 Pop Up Messages]]
[[25. BOM Options]]
[[26 Attachments]]
[[26. Sales Options]]
[[27 Related Parts]]
[[27. BOM Pricing]]
[[28 Customer History]]
[[28. Custom Fields]]
[[29 Pictures]]
[[29. Extra Barcodes]]
[[30 Customisable Fields]]
[[30. Print Barcodes]]
[[31. Auto Print Barcodes]]
[[32. barcode Picking]]
[[33. Do you Buy/Sell Clothing]]
[[34. Product Attributes]]
[[35. Watch Clothing Matrix Video]]
[[36. Preferences]]
[[37. Inventory Adjust]]
[[38. Stock Adjustment Import]]
== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Inventory (Advanced) Training
Inventory Advanced
Company:___________________________       Signed:____________________________
<br> Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________  
Name:___________________   Position:______________     Date: _____________
Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________  
Trainee to complete: Please tick
Trainee to complete: Please tick
  1. [  ]  Multiple Sell Prices
1. Average vs Last - Do you understand the Stock Cost System options in ERP?
Do you understand the main pricing structures within ERP?
  2. [  ]  Customer Types
2. Multiple Sell Prices - Do you understand the main pricing structures within ERP?
Has it been explained how and why you would set-up client types?  
  3. [  ]  Extra Sell
3. Extra Sell Dates - Has the date range structure being explained in the Extra Sell Price set-up?
Has the Extra Sell price stucture being explained in the Product setup?
  4. [  ]  Date Ranged
4. FX Sell - Has it been explained how to load a Foreign Currency Sell Price against a product?
Has the Extra Sell price stucture being explained in the Product setup?
  5. [  ]  Sell Volumes
5. FX Buy - Can you load a Foreign Currency Buy Price against a product?
How do you create price points based on sell volumes?
  6. [  ]  Foreign Sell
6. Data Import - Has it been explained how to import the Extra Sell and Buy Prices?
Has it been explained how to set the foreign currency value against a Customer?
  7. [  ]  Extra Buy
7. Serial Number Tracking - Do you know how to turn on Serial Number Tracking for a product?
Can you enter extra Buy Prices for your Suppliers?
  8. [  ]  Supplier Codes
8. Serial Number & Batch/Bin combined - Why is it crucial that you decide whether you will be using Batch/Bin tracking in conjunction with Serial numbers before you transact the product?
Can you enter the supplier codes for a product?
  9. [  ]  Foreign Buy
Has it been explained how to set the foreign currency value against a supplier?
  10. [  ] Importing Values
9. Auto Fill - Do you know how to either manually enter or Auto Fill multiple Serial Numbers on a Purchase Order?
Has it been explained how to import the Extra Sell and Buy prices?
11.[  ]  Serial Numbers
10. How do Serial Numbers interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?
Do you know how to turn on Serial Number Tracking?
12.[  ]  Allocation Of..
11. Serial Number Lists - How do you display Serial Numbers that are currently in ERP?
How do Serial Numbers interact with purchase and sales transactions?
13.[  ]  Allocating Bins
12. Batch Tracking - How do you turn on Batch Tracking for a product?
How do you activate bins to be used?
14.[  ]  Selling from a Bin
13. Batch Allocation - How do Batches interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?
How do Bins interact with purchase and sales transactions?
15.[  ]  Creating Batches
14. F9 - What does this display?
How do you activate batches to be used?
16.[  ]  Allocating Batches
15. Bin Locations - How do you create Bin Locations?
How do Batches interact with purchase and sales transactions?
17.[  ]  Data Updater
16. Bin Tracking - How do you turn on Bin Tracking for a product?
Do you know how to update bins/batches on mass through the inventory Data Update Button?
18.[  ]  Allocating Serial Numbers
17. Automatic Allocation - What must be set against the product for Automatic Bin Allocation to work?
How do you activate Serial Numbers to be used?
19.[  ]  Creating Serial Numbers
18. Bin Allocation - How do Bins interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?
Do you know how to create and load Serial Numbers?
20.[  ]  Selling Serial Numbers
19. Not Allocated - What does it mean if you have green or red highlighted quantities in the Bin/Batch tab?
How do Serial Numbers interact with purchase and sales transactions?
21.[  ]  F9
20. Auto Adjust - Have you been shown how the Auto Adjust Bin-Batch buttons are used to fix Un Allocated quantities?
How do you display Serial Numbers that are currently in ERP?
22.[  ]  Bill Of Materials
21. Stock Qty's & Locations - How do you view what Stock is in what Location either individually or for all products?
Do you know how to use the manufacturing side of ERP?
23.[  ]  Barcode Picking
22. Data Update - Do you know how to activate Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time?
Have you been shown the Barcode Picking for use in the warehouse area?
24.[  ]  Auto Adjust
23. Manufacturing - What two things must you set up before you can create a Product BOM?
Have you been shown how the Auto Adjust Bins button works?  
25.[  ]  Matrix Products
24. Bill of Materials - Can you create a Bill of Materials (BOM) for a Manufactured Product?
Have you watched the Video on how to use Matrix Styled Products?
26.[  ]  Department Quantities
25. BOM Options - Can you create "Options" in the BOM?
How do you view what stock is in what location?
27.[  ]  Multiple Barcodes
26. Sales Options - How do you select a BOM Option from a Sales Order?
Where do you assign extra barcodes for the same product?
28.[  ]  Pop Up Messages
27. BOM Pricing - Do you understand the Cost and Sell Price calculations in a BOM?
Where do you assign messages for the product?
29.[  ]  Attachments
28. Custom Fields - create a Product Custom Field applicable to your business.
How do you add documents to a product?
30.[  ]  Related Parts
29. Extra Barcodes - Where do you assign extra Barcodes for the same Product?
Do You know how to create a related product and how to nest related products?
31.[  ]  Customer History
30. Print Barcodes - Do you know how to print product Barcodes?
Can you view Customer HIstory and product Movement?
32.[  ]  Pictures
31. Auto Print Barcodes - Do you know which Preferences need to be enabled for automatic Barcode printing?
Can you add a picture to the product?
33.[  ]  Customisable Fields
32. Barcode Picking - Have you been shown Bar Code Picking for the warehouse area?
What can you track with Customisable Fields?
33. Do you Buy/Sell Clothing - What is the Clothing Matrix?
34. Product Attributes - Can you create a range of clothing products using the Product Attributes button?
Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?
35. Have you watched the Matrix video on how to use Matrix styled Products?
36. Preferences - Have you set your Inventory Prefrences for the functionality trained in this session?
37. Inventory Adjust - Can you process adjustments/transfers for either Bin - Batch - Serial Numbers depending on your company workflow.
38. Stock Adjustment Import - Can you import and data map a Stock Adjustment paying carefull attention to the functionality of the radio button options?

Latest revision as of 22:53, 9 December 2014


Inventory Advanced

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. Average vs Last - Do you understand the Stock Cost System options in ERP?

2. Multiple Sell Prices - Do you understand the main pricing structures within ERP?

3. Extra Sell Dates - Has the date range structure being explained in the Extra Sell Price set-up?

4. FX Sell - Has it been explained how to load a Foreign Currency Sell Price against a product?

5. FX Buy - Can you load a Foreign Currency Buy Price against a product?

6. Data Import - Has it been explained how to import the Extra Sell and Buy Prices?

7. Serial Number Tracking - Do you know how to turn on Serial Number Tracking for a product?

8. Serial Number & Batch/Bin combined - Why is it crucial that you decide whether you will be using Batch/Bin tracking in conjunction with Serial numbers before you transact the product?

9. Auto Fill - Do you know how to either manually enter or Auto Fill multiple Serial Numbers on a Purchase Order?

10. How do Serial Numbers interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?

11. Serial Number Lists - How do you display Serial Numbers that are currently in ERP?

12. Batch Tracking - How do you turn on Batch Tracking for a product?

13. Batch Allocation - How do Batches interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?

14. F9 - What does this display?

15. Bin Locations - How do you create Bin Locations?

16. Bin Tracking - How do you turn on Bin Tracking for a product?

17. Automatic Allocation - What must be set against the product for Automatic Bin Allocation to work?

18. Bin Allocation - How do Bins interact with Purchase and Sales transactions?

19. Not Allocated - What does it mean if you have green or red highlighted quantities in the Bin/Batch tab?

20. Auto Adjust - Have you been shown how the Auto Adjust Bin-Batch buttons are used to fix Un Allocated quantities?

21. Stock Qty's & Locations - How do you view what Stock is in what Location either individually or for all products?

22. Data Update - Do you know how to activate Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time?

23. Manufacturing - What two things must you set up before you can create a Product BOM?

24. Bill of Materials - Can you create a Bill of Materials (BOM) for a Manufactured Product?

25. BOM Options - Can you create "Options" in the BOM?

26. Sales Options - How do you select a BOM Option from a Sales Order?

27. BOM Pricing - Do you understand the Cost and Sell Price calculations in a BOM?

28. Custom Fields - create a Product Custom Field applicable to your business.

29. Extra Barcodes - Where do you assign extra Barcodes for the same Product?

30. Print Barcodes - Do you know how to print product Barcodes?

31. Auto Print Barcodes - Do you know which Preferences need to be enabled for automatic Barcode printing?

32. Barcode Picking - Have you been shown Bar Code Picking for the warehouse area?

33. Do you Buy/Sell Clothing - What is the Clothing Matrix?

34. Product Attributes - Can you create a range of clothing products using the Product Attributes button?

35. Have you watched the Matrix video on how to use Matrix styled Products?

36. Preferences - Have you set your Inventory Prefrences for the functionality trained in this session?

37. Inventory Adjust - Can you process adjustments/transfers for either Bin - Batch - Serial Numbers depending on your company workflow.

38. Stock Adjustment Import - Can you import and data map a Stock Adjustment paying carefull attention to the functionality of the radio button options?