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[[Delivery Docket List]]
[[Delivery Docket List]]
==Overview ==
== Overview ==
The ERP Delivery Docket List is a list of all Sales transactions for a date range with filters for printed or not printed.
Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:
*[[Filtering Lists]]
*[[Searching f5 f6 f7]]
*[[Customising Lists]]
*[[Report Printing Options]]
*[[Export Data]]
'''How to use the Delivery Docket List'''
*Select '''Sales''' Tab
*Select '''Delivery Docket List''' button
*Select Printed radio button to see transactions for which the delivery docket has been printed
*Select Not Printed radio button to see transactions for which the delivery docket has not been printed
*Double click any item that you want to print
This will open the transaction. Select '''Del Docket''' button to print

Revision as of 09:44, 1 March 2011


The ERP Delivery Docket List is a list of all Sales transactions for a date range with filters for printed or not printed.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How to use the Delivery Docket List

  • Select Sales Tab
  • Select Delivery Docket List button
  • Select Printed radio button to see transactions for which the delivery docket has been printed
  • Select Not Printed radio button to see transactions for which the delivery docket has not been printed
  • Double click any item that you want to print

This will open the transaction. Select Del Docket button to print