Customising Lists
From TrueERP wiki
All lists within ERP can be customised. Customised means 'made to suit the individual'.
All of the reports or lists within ERP have a "Customise" button at the bottom of the page.
How To: Customise a list
- From within the list or report that you wish to customise select the Customise button.
- You can now choose that you are either customising this list for just this user (logged in person) or on a global basis any changes you make will be reflected in what everybody sees. (circled)
- On the grid tab you will be able to see all of the columns that show on this report. By eitherTicking or Un Ticking the boxes you can choose which columns become visible and which ones do not. (ticked = visible)
- You are able to change the label at the top of the column by simply double clicking on the name label you wish to change and then typing in the label you prefer.
- You are able to turn off the lines of the grid.
- You are able to return to the default settings for this report at any time by selecting the 'defaults' button.
- You can add your own customised columns to the report.
- Click on the custom column new button
- You enter the name of the column you wish to create and click on OK
- You will then be taken back to the main customising list screen - with the new column you have added appearing in the list and the formula area of the screen is now available
- You can choose to enter a mathematical formula now in this column using the column formula area.
- Right click in the column formula field and you will be given mathematical options and a list of columns to choose
- You can now build the formula using existing columns and mathematics.
- You can then choose the display format of the new column by simply choosing a format from the display format
- On the main customise lists screen you can also change the title font and colour
- Change the font and colours of the text inside the grid (not just the titles)
- And Display the list or report in alternating row colours
- Changing the grid title font opens the following screen
- You can then choose the settings you wish for the selection provided - just for the titles of the grid.
- Make any desired changes and click ok
- Changing the grid font opens the following screen
- You can then choose the settings you wish for the selection provided - this will change the main body of the grid or report.
- Make any desired changes and click OK
- Clicking on the alternate colour button opens the colour selector shown below.
- You can then choose the settings colour that you wish to display each alternate row.
- Make any desired changes and click OK
- Within the main customise list screen you also have the Custom Report Tab
- This tab allows you to rename the report you are creating so that the default report is untouched - and all the changes you make will be on a new report - not the default report
- You can give the report a unique name
- Enable other people to see the report you have created by placing the report in another tab on the report selector. If you only name the report - and choose not to place on any other tab - the report will only be visible in the MY REPORTS area of the report selector and this area is protected by your user name and password i.e. other people cannot see the reports that are unique to you.
- After you have named the report and placed it in other visible areas as well (if desired) click the 'create custom report' button to activate.
After creating any changes you require - click OK to save changes
- The other area of customization when it comes to lists is the ability to move the columns around until they are laid out in the format required.
- Using the mouse and by holding down the left mouse button on the column title you are able to click and drag the column to place it anywhere on the grid you choose.
- When you close the list the new positions and lay out will be remembered. i.e. the list will open in the same layout or format that it was last viewed in.
- This layout is specific to each user. The unique user name and password will trigger the layouts specific for that person.
- You will see in this picture the column that was highlighted (circled) has been moved to a new location