Date Range
From TrueERP wiki
The Date Range Selector is a valuable feature available in most Reports and Lists within ERP. This function enables the user to search for data/transactions within a specific date range, therefore making it easier to find and view the data you are looking for.
The Date Range Selector enables the user to select by Custom criteria through the drop-down menu, e.g. Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Month or Quarter, Previous Week, Month, Quarter or Financial Year etc.
The user may also select the criteria as a Date Range, by selecting a 'From' and 'To' date from the Calendar drop-down.
How To Use the date ranges on a report
- A report will only display the information that is within the date ranges that are selected.
- The custom date range list has options including This Week, Today, This Month, Yesterday,This Financial Year to Date, Previous Month, Previous Quarter etc.
- This allows you to quickly hone in on a particular date period and find the information you are looking for. Click the drop down of the date range selector that shows ''C'ustom' on default and make your selection
- If you select 'Custom' from the custom date range list - you will then be able to select a specific date range using the date pickers 'From' and 'To'. For more detail on using the date pickers please refer to Date Picker
- From - refers to the oldest starting date of the information you wish to view To - refers to the most recent of the information you wish to view.
- The date range tool on the report selector has a slightly different way of working. The date range tool is pictured here on the report selector. The difference here is that in the standard reports and lists, once the date date is selected the report automatically updates with the required information. In the report selector, the date ranges are chosen and then you must either double click the required report or alternatively click the ok button on the report selector
- There is still the opportunity to select a standard date range (last month, this financial year to date etc) or enter in a custom date range.
- Within the report selector you may find that running the report for a specific date range still has an 'inaccurate report' and this example you may need to perform an update batch . more information on batch reports can be found at speed within preferences