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Access Levels

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Access Levels allow you to control which areas of ERP each employee can access and which data they can view, add, edit or delete.

How to use Access Levels:

  • Select the Employee Module
  • Select Access Levels button
  • Select the employee name from the drop down menu select Copy From - to copy Access Levels from an employee already set up
  • Or click on Default Option and select from the drop down menu the appropriate settings to suite the employee
  • Select each Module on the left in turn and double click in the Access Level column required next to each specific row within that tab to flag it with either a Green Tick or Red Zero eg.. Accounts Can read Credit Card Numbers

No Access Cannot access at all

Read Only Can read only

Create & Read Can create and also read

Full without Delete Can create read but cannot delete a transaction

Full with Delete Can create read and delete transactions

  • Ensure that you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for each Module and ensure that an Acces Level has been allocated to every line
  • Click Save

If you are looking for a Specific Access Level but are unsure which module it is in , the list can be searched with F5, F6 and F7 functionality

NB. Some Access Levels require a True or False response so either No Access or Full with Delete must be selected.