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[[13. Export to Reports]]
[[13. Export to Reports]]
[[14. Link To]]
[[14. Link To]]
[[15. Lite Integration Report]]
[[15. Site Integration Report]]
[[16. Email List]]
[[16. Email List]]
[[17. SMS List]]
[[17. SMS List]]

Latest revision as of 09:49, 17 December 2014


Utilities Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Documents Path - What does the Setup Doc's Path do?

2. [ ] Shared Path - Why should you make this a shared folder for the path?

3. [ ] Manual Backup - How do you manually create a Backup?

4. [ ] Automatic Backup - What are the two different Preference options for ERP to perform an automatic Back Up?

5. [ ] Restore a Backup - How do you Restore a backup?

6. [ ] Audit Trail - What are the advantages of using the Audit Trail List?

7. [ ] Preferences - Do you know how to set the Preferences for the company?

8. [ ] Purge Audit Trail - Why should the Audit Trail be purged regularly and how can you configure this automatically?

9. [ ] Purged Data - Where would you find the purged Audit Trail Folder?

10. [ ] Audit Lists - Do you understand the functionality of the Picking Slip, Delivery Docket and Purchase Order buttons?

11. [ ] Company Information - Do you understand how this feeds into the Templates?

12. [ ] Company Correspondence Customization - Can you customize or set up a document template for correspondence?

13. [ ] Export to Reports - How do you use the 'Export to Report DB'?

14. [ ] Link To - Can you check the connectivity through the ERP Web API?

15. [ ] Site Integration Report - Do you understand what is tracked through this report?

16. [ ] Email List - Can you configure ERP to track emails?

17. [ ] SMS List - Do you know how to auto send SMS messages from ERP?

18. [ ] Scheduled Reports - Can you schedule reports to be emailed?