Main Calendar
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Revision as of 17:21, 21 June 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)
The Main Calendar is where you are able to view all appointments made within your company, each Rep has a different colour. You can also create appointments from within the Main Calendar. You are also able to move appointments around directly within the calendar.
How To Enter an Appointment Via the Main Calendar
Select the Main Calendar button located in the Appointments tab.
- The Main Calendar will then appear
- Double click on the rep that you wish to enter the appointment under. If you double click on the specific time that you wish for the appointment to be set to the appointment will appear with this time.
- Select a Company Name
- All necessary details entered under that Customer Card will automatically appear within the appointments screen. e.g. - Address, Phone and Fax.
In the Schedule tab select the Booked date that you wish for the appointment to appear under Enter the start and end date Enter any further information that needs to be entered onto the appointment, e.g. Charge Rate, Equipment, Notes, etc. Select Save The Appointment will now appear in the Main Calendar
Moving and Re-Sizing Appointments
- Select the Main Calendar button in the Appointments Tab
- The appointment that you have just created will appear
- Click once on the appointment
- Rest the cursor just on the blue outline, a double arrow head will appear
- Click and drag to the desired position
- To move the appointment to a different Rep click and drag to a new column.
Viewing the Main Calendar
- Select the Main_Calendar Button located in the Appointments section of ERP
- You will be able to view all Appointments that have been created for all representatives of the company. You can view the Main_Calendar in Day mode or Week mode, Week mode shows the calendar in a weekly view and Day mode shows the calendar in daily view
- To view different dates from within the Main_Calendar select the buttons towards the left and right hand side of the screen to quickly scroll between dates.
- If you wish to select a date from the date selector, simply select the Date Select dropdown and select the date that you wish to view in the Main_Calendar. n.b. the buttons along the bottom of the main calendar screen allow you to:
- Customise: Allows user to view selected Reps in Calendar.
- Print: Allows User to print the display on calendar
- Source list: Allows user to gain access to the source list via the calendar.
- Holidays: Allows the user to create and view all Public Holidays that has been created within the ERP program.