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To Do

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Revision as of 11:06, 1 March 2011 by Andrew (Talk | contribs)

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The 'To Do's' area is a very valuable function and will enable you to set tasks for your Employees and also to keep track of their progress. If you set a task for someone it will appear

in their reminder listings. The "To Do's" area can be found under the "Employee" Tab.

Creating a New To Do

  • Click on the NEW TO DO button and select the Employee you wish to create a New 'To Do' for.
  • Advise the Date and Time you wish the To Do completed by.
  • From within the To Do, advise the task you want the Employee to perform. Enter this into the Description area.
  • Then Save. This will then come up on the Screen when the Employee Logs into ERP.
  • The Employee will then reply to your request by completing the Result area.
  • The Result will then be displayed giving the date and time the task was completed with the Result.
  • Once the Task has been finished the completed box can be ticked "Completed"

Using Auto Reminders

The Auto Reminders can be activated through the Employee Tab and then Employees Personal Preferences.

The "To Do's" are just one of a number of Reminders that can be activated from within this area to show up after one or more days. Tick the box to activate a reminder and then advise the number of days you wish the To Do to first appear. Then Save.

Note: If un-ticked the box displaying days in advance will not show.