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Memorised Transaction List

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Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

A Memorised Transaction is a Post-dated transaction that is an exact copy (other than the date), of the transaction it is created from. Within the Memorised Transaction List you can view all the transactions that have been created to recur after set intervals of time. All of the following types of transactions can be memorised: Journal Entry; Cheque; Purchase Order; Return Authority; Bill; Credit; Quote; Sales Order; Invoice; Cash Sale; Refund.

How To view the Memorised Transactions List

· Select the 'Memorised Transaction List' button from the General tab.

How to Memorise a Transaction

  • To memorise a transaction you need to right click on the "Right-Click to Memorise" option for the transaction (this is generally found at the top right of the transaction form).
  • The example below shows the steps to memorise an Invoice.
  • Once the invoice details have been entered, right click on the "Right-Click to Memorise" option at the top right of the form.
NB: If you want the transaction to automatically post when due, then select
'Memorise Auto Transaction'. 
  • Upon opening the Memorised Transaction List you will immediately be prompted to: 'Perform AutoPost Transaction(s) now?'
  • Selecting Yes to this question all 'Memorise Auto Transactions' will automatically be posted.
  • Selecting No to this question will leave the AutoPost transactions in the list for you to action manually.
  • Select 'Memorise Transaction'.
  • Enter the details of the memorised transaction in the 'Repeat' Window.
  • Enter the date range to repeat the Invoice.
  • Enter the Start/Base Date and the Finish/Final Date.
  • Select the Frequency for the transaction to repeat, e.g. 'Day'.
  • Select the Frequency number from the drop-down, e.g. '6', i.e. repeat every 6 Days.
NB: When a Frequency is selected, the dates for the memorised transaction are populated on the
right in the field between the Base Date and the Final Date. 
  • Select the Frequency option as 'Week' and set the transaction to recur regularly after a set number of weeks and on a specific day of the week, e.g. repeat every 1 week on a Monday.
  • Select the Frequency option as 'Month' and set the transaction to recur regularly after a set number of months.
  • Select to repeat either at the beginning or end of the month.
  • Select a set number of days after the beginning or end of the month, e.g. repeat every 1 month at the beginning of the month plus 1 day (i.e. on the 2nd of each month).
  • Exceptions can be put in place if a memorised transaction falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday.
  • If the 'Post' radio button is selected the transaction will post regardless of the day.
  • If the 'Drop' button is selected, the transaction will be removed from the list and not post at all (where the memorised transaction falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday)
  • By selecting the 'Shift After' button the transaction will be posted a day after it was scheduled.
  • By selecting the 'Shift Before' button the transaction will be posted a day before it was scheduled.
  • Select the 'Holidays' button to define the list of Public Holidays.
  • Enter the date/s for the public holidays.
  • Enter a description for each public holiday date.
  • Select 'SAVE'.
  • All saved memorised transactions will appear in the Memorised Transactions List.
  • Double-click on any Memorised Transaction to post the transaction.
  • Select 'Yes' to the prompt to post the transaction if you wish to proceed.
NB: A new transaction number will be created upon selecting 'Yes' to posting a transaction,
i.e. invoice number, cheque number, bill number etc. 
  • To delete a memorised transaction, highlight the transaction and select the red 'X' at the top let of the list.
  • Select to 'Delete this transaction' or 'Delete All transactions'.