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Product List

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Revision as of 11:54, 2 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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This button allows you to view your product list. This list (as with all lists within ERP) is customisable, exportable, and printable. In addition to the information displayed in the Express Products List, the Products List shows Stock Quantity and Stock Valuation information as well as cost and price information without having to open the product file. The Product List also allows printing of Barcodes for selected products.

How to use Product List

  • Select the Product List button on the top menu OR
  • Select the Product button at the top right of theProduct Express List page
  • The Product List is Department specific, i.e. you can select the list by Department or All Departments.
  • 'Use Updated Date Filter' - filters the product list of items to those updated within the date range selected.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

Note on Stock Values

If you have purchsed and received stock the quantity and value will appear on the Product List but will not appear on the balance sheet until you have received an invoice on the Purchase Order. Thios means that there can legitimately be a difference in the stock values between the Product List and the Inventory Asset value on the Balance Sheet.

How to Merge Products

In some circumstances you may need to merge two products. eg. If a product's name has changed it is not possible to simply change the name in the product file as this is the unique identifyer for the record. You must create a new product with the new name and merge the old product into it.

  • Select Sales
  • Select product List
  • Hold down the control key (Ctrl) and select the product name that you want to keep
  • Continue to hold down the control key and select the product you want merged into the first product
  • Right Click your mouse and select MERGE

Barcode Printing

  • Tick 'Barcode Picking' (bottom left of Product List)
  • Select the item you wish to print the barcode for (ensure there is a barcode entered into the Miscellaneous Tab within the product).
  • If you require Barcodes for all your Products simply tick the 'Select All In Grid' button (bottom of Product list).
  • If you require Barcodes for a selection of your products, press 'Ctrl' and click to select the products required.
  • Tick 'Quantity In Stock' if you require a barcode printed for every item in stock.
  • Select the 'Print Barcode' button
  • Barcodes will be printed for the in stock quantity of the product/s selected.
  • Un-tick 'Quantity In Stock' if you wish to print only 1 barcode for the selected product/s.
  • Select the 'Print Barcode' button
  • One barcode will be printed for each product/s selected.
  • Tick Price Matrix (bottom right) to print barcodes for Price Matrix items
  • Select the product/s required
  • Select the 'Print Barcode' button
  • The Price Matrix items for the selected products will load
  • Press Ctrl & Click to select the Barcodes for printing
  • Select the 'Print Barcodes' button
  • The selected barcodes will be printed