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Budget Profit and Loss Report

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It is important to note that this report will be visible only if a budget has been set up and if transactions have taken place.

In business, budgets are created to act as a forecast or prediction for the future based on the skill and knowledge of the people that create them. To be of benefit, the budgets must then be accurately tracked against actual figures to ensure that the company is on track. If for example, the expenses blow out - then the management of the company will need to see that and act on it quickly. The budget profit and loss report allows for exactly that.

The Budget profit and loss report allows you to see a snapshot of the company and how we stand in relation to the budget(s) that have been set.

How To: View the Budget Profit & Loss report

  • Click on the Budget Profit and Loss report button on the budget tab
  • The Budget Profit and loss report will open
  • Select the budget that you wish to compare against actual figures from the drop down menu (top left)
  • Ensure the 'show budget amount' option is ticked. This option will turn on or off the columns in the report that

show the profit and loss against the budgeted figures. This report will open in the screen as a default with the show budget amount option ticked to be on.

  • Ensure your date ranges selector is set accurately

For more information about date ranges see date ranges in Global features

  • The data that fills the report now will match the budget selected, date range and selected period.

The period selector has three options as 'radio buttons' these options are month, quarter & year. The selected period will show the budget against the actual profit and loss for that period chosen.


  • Budget Profit and loss can be filtered and sorted (see Filtering lists) but only available on the account

type column

The report has some tick box options down the bottom left hand corner of the screen. These options are

  • Lock account name - this option allows you to 'freeze' the account name and account type column so that as

you scroll across to the right, those two columns remain still - allowing you to see the name and type of account that the figures in the report refer to.

  • Hide Variance - ticking this option will actually remove the 'variance column' from your view. The variance column

is a dollar amount that refers to the dollars that the actual figures vary from the budgeted figures that have been set up. For more information about setting up the figures for a budget please refer to the budget definition area of the manual and the new budget area.

  • Hide Percentage - in the same way as above the hide percentage option will remove the percentage column from

the report. The percentage column will refer to the percent variation of the figures from the profit and loss - in comparison with the budget that has been set.

  • You will see the account name
  • The account type.
  • The actual figures in a profit and loss format. for these accounts. These actual figures have posted to this report

from the flow of money into these accounts. For more information see accounts, sales and purchases/bills

  • You will see an actual column - showing the figures as they stand at this point in time - from the flow of monies

through the company.

  • You will see a percentage column showing the percentage variation of the actual figures in comparison to the

budgeted figures

  • You will see a budget aggressive figure - this is the dollar figure that you aggressively estimated (forecast or budgeted) you should be at for this point in time - set when creating a new budget. Or updated an existing budget

using a budget variation

  • You will see a budget conservative figure as a separate column- this is the dollar figure that you conservatively

estimated (forecast or budgeted) you should be at for this point in time - set when creating a new budget. Or updated an existing budget using a budget variation

  • You will see variance columns one for both the conservative and aggressive boundaries - The variance column is a

dollar amount that refers to the dollars that the actual figures vary from the budgeted figures that have been set up.

The budget profit loss has Drill down figures - meaning each of the actual figures seen in the report can be double clicked for a transaction by transaction report on the data that makes up the final number. This transactional report can also be drilled into - taking you back to the source transaction that originally occurred. For more information on drill down reports please refer to Global Features and drill down reports