Sales Ratios Report
From TrueERP wiki
The Sales Ratio Report enables Department Heads to establish the efficiency of their Sales and Marketing procedures. It gives you vital information pertaining to each Employee/Rep in respect to:-
- Follow-ups being done on time, therefore increasing the chance of a sale
- Are there enough Leads being worked on during any given period
- Are we converting enough Leads to Customers
What beneficial information does this Report contain?
The following information is available by date range selection in the Sales Ratios Report:-
- Employee Name - Employee/Rep
- Leads - New leads given for the date range
- Overdue - Follow-ups Over Due for the "To" Date
- Follow Ups - Number of Records followed up on for the "To" Date
- Approved - Number of Leads with an "Approved" line in the Action / Follow Up Detail section
- Not Approved - Number of Leads with a "Not Approved" line in the Action / Follow Up Detail section
- Sales - Leads that have been converted into a Sales Order or Invoice
- Leads Approved Ratio - as a %
- Leads Sales Ratio - as a %
- Approved Sales Ratio - as a %