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Global List

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Revision as of 10:19, 2 March 2011 by Andrew (Talk | contribs)

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The Global List displays a record of all entities (Contacts, Customers, Employees, Other Contact's and Suppliers), entered into your ERP database, all within the one easy to access list. Every entry has a reference number called a Global Ref. This number is a combination of the site code of the data entry point, and the next sequential number for the type of contact. Global Reference numbers are unique within the entity type but different entities (e.g. Customer and employee) can have identical Global Reference numbers.

Think of the Global List as your address/phone book for your Company. Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How To view the Global List

  • Select the General tab
  • Select the 'Global List' button
  • By double-clicking (Drilling Down) on an entry and ERP will load the relevant Card, e.g. Employee card for 'Admin'. From here you can amend or view records as required.
  • The Global List has search capability ( see f5, f6, f7 searching)
  • The Global List allows the user to filter by selected criteria (see sorting and filtering)
  • Select the 'Active Only' radio button to view the Active List.
  • Select the 'Inactive Only' radio button to view the Inactive List.
  • Selecting the 'All' radio button would display both Active and Inactive entries.
  • Select the 'New Customer', 'New Supplier', or 'New Contact' button to create a new entry for any of these Contact Types.
  • Selecting the 'New Customer' button will load the Customer Card ready for data entry.
  • Select the 'New Supplier' button will load the Supplier Card ready for data entry.
  • Select the 'New Contact' button will load the Other Contact Card ready for data entry.