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Print Appointments

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Revision as of 11:52, 9 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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The Print Appointments section in ERP is used for Employees / Reps to view, print, or email their Itinerary. By selecting the Print Itinerary tick box this enables the employee to view summarised details for the appointments. If you select the Print List tick box this will enable the user to view all details entered on the specific appointments.

How to Print Appointments

  • Select the Print Appointments button located in the Appointments section of ERP.
  • Select the Date Range that you wish to view, print or email the appointments from.
  • Select a specific rep from the drop down, or if you require all reps itineraries, select the 'All Reps' tick box.
  • Select either the 'Print Itinerary' or 'Print List' tick box
  • Select Print or Preview or if a email address is supplied for the Rep you can email the appointment