Support Logs
From TrueERP wiki
Support_Logs allow you to track tasks such as telephone support by customer and invoice the customer on a time basis if required. New Support_Logs are opened from Customers on Support List and existingSupport logs can be opened from the Support Log List or an employees To Do List if the log has been assigned.
How to Use Support Logs
- Select Customers on Support List
- Double Click the required Customer
- Select the contact from the drop down list
- Select the "Module" (subject)
- Type the issue requiring attention
If further attention is required, assign to an Employee from the drop down list
- Enter the solution or end result
- Select Type of issue from the drop down list
- Enter a version number
Assigning a Support Log
When a support log is assigned to an employee it will appear in that employees To Do list. Selecting the item from the employees To Do list will re-open the log.
Closing a Support Log
A support log is closed when it has been fully resolved. The log cannot be edited once closed.
- Select Close Call
If the log has been assigned to an Employee you will be prompted to closed the To Do list item.
Holding a Support Log
A Support log will be held if you wish to return to the issue later.
- Select Hold Call
Emailing a Support Log
The contents of a Support log can be emailed to the contact. See Preferences\Utilities for more information on emailing from ERP
- Select Email