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Loyalty Program

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Setting Reward Points for a Single Product:

  • Select CRM tab
  • Select Loyalty Program button - this will open the Single Product Rewards screen
  • From the Product drop down list select a product that you want to assign reward points to
  • Enter the number of Points assigned to the product.

Note: This is the number of points per value

  • Enter the dollar Value for which points are allocated for this product

eg. For Product = "Widget" Points = "1" Value = "$50", you would allocate 1 loyalty point to a customer for every $50 they spend on Widgets (The actual value of allocated points is set in preferences)

  • Select the Customer Type you wish to give reward points to from the drop down list.
  • Turn on Units of Measure and select the desired unit of measure if you want to allocate different point values to different units of measure. eg. You may want to only award loyalty points to the product when purchased by the carton or pallett, but not as individual units. You can apply a Date Range for the reward point allocation. eg. Double points during a sale etc. If you want points to expire, set an expiry date or period.

Setting Reward Points for Multiple Products:

  • Select CRM tab
  • Select Loyalty Program button - this will open the Single Product Rewards screen
  • Select Multiple button
  • Select Product List
  • Select products (hold down Ctrl to select multiple companies)
  • Select Set Points to return to the rewards setup screen

Now proceed as per a single product with the exception that Units of measure can only be used for single products.

  • From the Product drop down list select a product that you want to assign reward points to

Once you have assigned the reward points the next time you go into do an invoice for any Customer of the selected type you will notice the Reward Points will show in the invoice.