7 Entering a Bill
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Entering a Bill
Can you enter a Bill?
From the Purchases Tab, Select the Bill Button
When using Bill turn on a preference in Purchases - Remember Last Transaction By Supplier This gives you the ability when you go back ot your Bill to enter a new one, when you select the supplier again ERP will preload your account Name as it had remember it from last time.
Select the Supplier where you are returning the Product in the Company Name Field Enter the Bill Date Bill Number will auto load Enter the Bill Total Enter Invoice Number Select the Employee/ terms and due date Select the Account that you wish the funds to be withdrawn from in the Account Name Field
The Tax Code defaults within the Code Field when account selected Type in the Amount of the Bill into the Amount (Ex) Field. The Tax amount automatically defaultsCan Select the Customer that the bill is linked to using the Customer: Job Field
If applicable enter a Memo for the bill by double clicking on the Memo Field and typing the text into the field. If the bill applies to a particular Department select the applicable Department from the Departments Dropdown
Click Save to complete the Bill Transaction
Prompt will display stating that the bill amount does not match the Bill total if the figures do not match and will ask you to update - Check the amounts and Select Yes to continue and save the transaction.