8 Mail Merge
From TrueERP wiki
Mail Merge
Can you correctly use the Mail Merge Function?
Select CRM tab Mail Merge Button
NOTE: Be very careful when using mail merge for emails as you can not email more than 50 emails at one time out of one location, as this is not a problem in ERP but your internet provider would see it as spam therefore running the rish of being black listed. You must advise your provider and use a Mass Mail Company, then use the Setup Host tab to set this up.
Now select your group for the mail merge eg Customers Then choose your list from the drop down menu or filter on this list to give you the customers you wish to send the mail merge to Then choose the Template from the drop down menu - this template can be altered by going to:
Templates Customer Mail Merge - design this template to how you want it to look before you do your mail merge
Then select either Email Print File or Fax and enter an Email Subject if sending via email. Then press Send