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12 Loyalty Setup

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Loyalty Program Setup

Do you know how the Loyalty Program works?

Select Utilities tab Select Preferences button Select Sales tab Scroll to the bottom - Reward Points

Now enter

Value for Redeemed Points - eg 1 point = $1 Trigger Group for Redeeming Points - This is the number of points that must be accrued before they can be redeemed Decimal Places to allow for - 0 to 4 Recommendation would be to set it to 0

Account for sold Reward Points ] Leave these as defaults but they can be changed if you Account for Expired Reward Points ] want to- they can be adjusted by Journal entries if Expense Account for Reward Points ] required

Expires No of Months from Date of Purchase - Enter the default number of months before the points will expire

Now while in Preferences go to the POS Preferences

Receipt templates

Here you can enter what you like which will print out on your receipt printer. If you right mouse click there is also a number of data based fields that will pop into the receipt eg Dear (customer name)