Customising Keypads
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Once you have set your POS Preferences and Assigned Tills the next step is to create Keypads for your Tills.
For this example we will set our Main Keypad up as ourFunctions keypad, you can however set your Keypads up as you require them.N.B. the keypad is set up with X and Y Axis, A-G and 1-6.
- Select the Preset Not Used key A1.
- In the Key Function field select the Other Function radio button to load the Function Name list.
- Select the function 'Create Invoice' by double-clicking on the line entry.
- Key A1 will now display as 'Invoice' and be coloured yellow.
- The 'Location' is labeled as A1, being the key currently highlighted.
- The 'Key Description' displays Invoice as per the name of the key.
'*Current' displays 'Create Invoice' as this is the function selected on the current key.
- Continue to set up your function keys as per above.
- To colour code the keys:
- Select the keypad Key location.
- Select the Key Colour Scheme 'Font Colour' button to change the font colour.
- Select the Key Colour Scheme 'Background' button to change the background colour.
- Multiple keypads can be created.
- Select the 'Keypad Titles' button.
- The message 'Save Changes to this Keypad' will display.
- Select 'Yes' to save the changes, 'No' not to save them, and 'Cancel' to stay on this keypad.
- Select the Keypad number you wish to rename, e.g. Keypad 8
- Enter the new name into the 'Title' field, e.g. Accessories.
- Select the 'Active' tickbox to activate the keypad.
- Select 'Open from Keypad' to load a Change Keypad onto the correct Keypad.
- Select the Keypad from the dropdown list, e.g. Ladieswear.
- Select 'OK'.
- Select 'Save' to save the Keypad Names.
- This will return you to the Customise screen for the Main keypad.
- Select 'Ladieswear' from the Keypad Titles drop-down list.
- The 'Accessories Keypad' button is now set.
- Now we're ready to load your most commonly used products onto the respective keypads as one-touch keys.
- Select the Nike Footwear Keypad from the 'Keypad Titles' drop-down list within Customise POS.
- Select key A1 in the grid.
- Select the 'Quick Product Selection' radio button from the Key Function section.
- Select a product from the list by double-clicking on it, e.g. Sports Shoe.
- Rename the key in the Key Description section.
Below is another way of selecting the product you wish to display on the key.
- Select key A2 in the grid.
- Select the 'Quick Product Selection' radio button from the Key Function section.
- Select the 'Select from Product List' button.
- The Product List will load.
- Search for the product you want to set to the preset key, e.g. Nike Ladies Runner.
- Double-click on the product to load it onto the preset key.
- Rename the key in the Key Description section, as per the product selected.
- NB: Nike Ladies Runner is the item highlighted in the 'Select Product' list in the POS Customise screen.
- Select the 'Save & Close' button to save the changes made to your POS screen.
- You should now have the POS main screen displayed.
- Select the 'Nike Keypad' button just created.
- Select the 'Nike Footwear' keypad just created within the Nike Keypad.
- Select the 'Nike Ladies Runner' pre-set one-touch key to load the product for sale.
- NB: If upon selecting this button you are returned to the Main Keypad, refer to Preferences/POS and select v
'Don't Return to Primary Keypad' if preferred.
- Select the method of payment, e.g. 'Cash' to complete the transaction. Refer to POS for further instructions of
completing a sale.
- Select the 'Main Keypad' button to return to the main keypad. If preference 'Don't Return to Primary Keypad' is
NB: A 'Main Keypad' one-touch key is automatically created on each subsequent Keypad.
- Select or Scan products to invoice to an account Customer.
- Select the 'Invoice' key. (Created from Other Functions in Customise POS).
- The Customer List will load.
- Select the Customer you are invoicing, e.g. Kastanza
- Double-click to invoice the Customer and complete the Sale.
- If Preference/POS 'Close Invoice After Create' is ticked, then the invoice will only flash on-screen and automatically
close and return you to the POS main screen with sale completed.
- To hold the Invoice on-screen for manual completion, i.e. Save, un-tick this preference.
- Refer to the Invoice List to view all invoices created within your ERP database.
- To hold the Invoice on-screen for manual completion, i.e. Save, un-tick this preference.
- Refer to the Invoice List to view all invoices created within your ERP database.
- Select 'Use Numeric KeyPad' if you require an on-screen keypad within POS.
- A 'Key Pad' button will now display in POS.
- Select the button to load the Numeric Keypad.
Below is a list of the 'Other Functions' with a brief description of the functionality. It's recommended that you create a button for each function in your TEST Database, and create some test transactions to decide whether the function is relevant to your business practices. (Some functions will contain screenshots to assist).
There are 61 Other Functions in POS. Each one performs a specific function to assist the cashier process Customer transactions/sales. The required functions must be configured on the POS keypad to enable them.
- Balance Sale (Completes the Sale)
- This function is used where a customer presents a voucher for a product, but the voucher is of a higher cash value than the item purchased. If the requirement is not to pay out the cash balance, the cashier clicks on Balance Sale keypad button to complete the sale in POS and reconcile the till.
- Select a Product;
- Select the Voucher pre-set key;
- Select the Voucher number, or select the Voucher from the Voucher List;
- Select the Balance Sale pre-set key to complete the sale. If the value of the product is lower than the value of
the voucher, selecting 'Balance Sale', will automatically reconcile the till.
- Bar Tab (Add to Bar Tab)
- This function is used where a customer maintains a bar tab. The item(s) bought at the bar are added to the bar tab.
- Select the Product
- Select the Bar Tab pre-set key
- Select a Customer from the Customer list
- The selection of the customer completes the transaction and places all products/items onto the Bar Tab for
payment later.
- Barcode Number (Facilitates the manual entry of a Barcode)
- This function is used where the cashier manually enters the barcode number of the product using the Numeric keypad function. The cashier then selects the Barcode pre-set key and the product item and price is correctly allocated. - NB: This function can only be applied where product items have barcodes associated with them.
- Cash Out (Cash to Customer)
- This function enables a cashier to issue cash from the till - e.g. cashback. The cashier enters the amount of cash to be issued by using the Numeric Keypad, and then selects the 'Cash Out' pre-set key.
Where there is a cash balance to be redeemed when a voucher is presented to the cashier. The cashier manually enters the amount of cash to be given back to the customer and selects the 'Cash Out' pre-set key to reconcile the till.
- Change Keypad (Changes to a different keypad)
- This function enables the cashier to use a subsidiary keypad. The subsidiary keypad needs to be pre-configured before use. - ERP POS provides the capability for up to 500 different keypads. Four or Five deep per keypad is recommended for ease of use. - Examples where the use of subsidiary keypads occurs are:
- The main keypad contains primary product category lines, e.g. Frozen Foods. - Subsidiary keypad for the category line sub products, e.g. Frozen Veges
Department Stores:
- Each department uses the main keypad for standard functions - Subsidiary keypad for the products within each department.
- Cheque Number (Enter a Cheque Number)
- Where there is a requirement to manually enter the cheque number into the system before completing the sale.
- Clear View (Clears the Viewer)
- Enables the cashier to clear the view of the last entered transaction field on-screen (top field), without clearing the Qty/Description of the items already processed for the order.
- Close All Tabs (Close All Bar Tabs)
- This function enables the cashier to 'Close All Bar Tabs' that have been unpaid during the course of the shift. This function is typically used in a private members club where customers are known. Customers will be invoiced for the unpaid bill.
- Create Invoice (Create an Invoice)
- This function enables a cashier to create an invoice for an account Customer, instead of completing the sale at the time with an immediate tender method like Cash.
- Customer Account (Load Customer)
- This function enables a user to load a customer account by entering the 'Account Number', to invoice the transaction directly to the Customer Account. - Create the pre-set key; enter the products to be purchased; type in the Account Number; select the pre-set Account Number key to load the Customer.
- Customer Sales (Customer Sales List)
- This function allows the logged in User to identify the 'Customer Sales on Product', i.e. the sales history for a particular product in relation to the specified Customer. - Create the pre-set key; enter the product/s to be purchased; select the Customer; select the pre-set 'Customer Sales' key. This will load the 'Customer Sales on Product' list for the selected Customer.
- Dollar Discount (Allows the entry of a $ discount)
- This function enables the cashier to enter a $ discount against a sale. - Create the pre-set key; enter the product to be purchased; enter the amount that you wish to discount the product by e.g. 5; select the pre-set '$$$ Discount' key. This will create a new Discount line entry with -$5.00, and reduce the total amount due.
- Dollar Surcharge (Allows the entry of a $ surcharge)
- This function enables the cashier to enter a $ surcharge against a sale. - Create the pre-set key; enter the product to be purchased; enter the amount that you wish to surcharge the product by e.g. 5; select the pre-set '$$$ Surcharge' key. This will create a new Surcharge line entry with -$5.00, and increase the total amount due.
- EFT Cash Out (EFT Cash Out)
- NB: EFTPOS functionality must first be set-up to ensure integration with POS. Refer to Preferences/POS and Preferences/Accounts for instructions. - This function must be used by cashiers where EFTPOS transactions are completed. The EFT Cash Out button loads the value of item(s) into EFTPOS so that the sale can be processed. - Create the pre-set key; enter the product/s to be purchased; select the pre-set 'EFT Cash Out' key; select EFTPOS (F11) default blue key to complete the transaction.
- EFT Control Panel (EFT Control Panel)
- This keypad configures EFT capability between the till and the EFT hardware. Once the till has been configured this key is no longer required.
- EFT Reprint (Reprint EFT Receipt)
- This function enables the cashier to reprint the last receipt for the previous EFT transaction. When a customer requests a second receipt, the cashier selects this pre-set key to print. NB: So long as no other EFTPOS transaction has taken place since.
- EFT Settlement (EFT Settle)
- This function enables the Cashier to view the EFT settlement screen.
- End of Period (Performs End-of-Period processing)
- This function is used when a single till is to be closed, or more specifically when there is a change of staff at the till.
There are 2 ways to use the End of Period Function. The first way is with Blind Balancing (see Preferences/POS) Turned Off, and with Blind Balancing Turned On.
Blind Balance is a Preference that enables Managers to strengthen control over cashiers, by forcing them to enter the amount of money before the till is closed. Managers can then find out quickly if there are discrepancies between cash declared by the cashier, and cash that should be in the till.
- Select the pre-set 'End of Period' key. - Select 'Yes' to the following message.
- The End of Period reports will automatically run and display for printing:
- End of Period Till: (Name of Till) - Blind Balance ON only.
- POS - End of Period Balance Report.
- POS - Product Sales Report.
- End of Period (All) (Performs All End-of-Period processing)
- The End of Period (All) function assumes that there are several tills in an outlet. This function is used where it is necessary to end all tills within the outlet at the same time.
The reports are the same as End of Period reports, with the exception that all reports are printed directly to a central location.
Where the Blind Balance Preference has been set, each cashier will input the numbers of currency notes, single dollars and units of cents etc to provide the Blind Balance Report.
- Finalise Account (Finalise Account)
- This function relates to Bar Tab, when the bar tab is to be settled.
To Use this Function Key:
Select the Finalise Account pre-set key;
Select the Customer from the Customer List;
The Total Bar Tab is then displayed in the POS screen for settlement;
Select the tender method - e.g. cash, cheque, etc. to complete the transaction.
- Fixed Amount (Enter an Amount)
- This function enables cashiers to select a pre-determined sum of money to ring in to the till. The function is best used where cash sales are predominant, and the fixed amounts are the value of currency notes - e.g. $5 note; $10 note; $20 note and so on.
- Interrupt (Interrupts a Transaction)
- This function is used when a Cashier has to interrupt a sale transaction, and complete another transaction, e.g. When a customer realises they have forgotten something in the middle of the sale transaction, and returns to the store to find the forgotten item. The cashier can interrupt this sale and start another sale transaction for the next customer instead of waiting for the original customer to return before proceeding. - The 'Interrupt' pre-set key is used to place a transaction on hold, and also to return to the held transaction.
- Layby (Create/Pay Layby)
- This function is used when a customer purchases an item on 'Layby', i.e. leaves a deposit as part-payment for the product and continues to make residual payments until the item is fully paid for. The product is not taken out of the outlet until full payment is received.
Products that are held on Layby are not removed from stock until the customer returns to pay off the balance and removes the product from the outlet. A Layby will however affect the availability of the stock. The item is recorded as Unavailable Stock to prevent anyone else from buying the item.
To operate the Layby Function:
Select the Product;
Select the pre-set Layby key;
The Customer List will display, double-click to select the Customer;
The Sale displays as 'Completed' with the full value on layby;
Enter the amount of deposited, e.g. $20.00;
Select the Layby pre-set key to load the 'Layby List';
Select the customer making the deposit;
Select the Tender method of the deposit to complete the Layby transaction;
When the customer returns to pay the balance and collect the item, the process is as follows:
Select the pre-set Layby key;
The Customer List will load, the 'Balance' owing will be displayed in the list;
Double-click to return to the POS screen where you need to enter the balance amount due, e.g. $80.00
Select the pre-set Layby key;
The Customer List will display, double-click to select the Customer;
Select the Tender method of the deposit to complete the Layby transaction;
- Line Feed (Line Feed Printer)
- This function enables the cashier to process a line feed. This is used when a new roll of paper is needed for the POS receipt printer.
- List Tabs (Bar Tab List)
- This function enables the settlement of a tab held by a customer, by opening the List of Bar Tabs currently being held and selecting the respective customer ready to close the tab, then selecting the relevant tender method to make the payment.
- Lock Terminal (Locks the Terminal)
- This function enables a cashier/manager to lock the terminal. The Terminal cannot be used whilst it is locked.
- Main Keypad (Returns to Main Keypad)
- The Main Keypad function enables a cashier to switch from a subsidiary keypad back to the main keypad. It may be that a retail outlet's requirement is that the main keypad consists of the functions that an operator will use, and the subsidiary keypad is for the product items. The cashier can quickly switch from one pad to another.
- MatchPrevQty (Match Qty)
- This function enables the cashier an alternative way to process different items that a customer is buying where there is the same number of quantities for each product. For instance, a customer is buying 2 products, but in quantities of 4 for each product. - Enter product 1 with qty of 4, then select product 2 and select the pre-set 'MatchPrevQty' key to change the qty to 4 as per the previous line entry.
Memo (Preset) (Add a preset memo)
- This function provides the capability to include standard text on all Invoices that are created through Point of Sale. When invoices are created in POS, the cashier must use the Memo Preset keypad so that the standard text is printed in the "comments" section of the Invoice. - NB: This function is to be used together with the POS Create Invoice function key. - When you select the function from within Customise POS, you will be prompted with the following screen to enter your pre-set Memo into.
- Memo Entry (Allows entry of comments)
- This function provides the capability to insert a specific comment for this transaction into the Customer Invoice. The comment is typed by the cashier at the point of sale. - Select the products to be purchased; select the Invoice key; select the Customer; select the pre-set 'memo' key; enter the memo (over-type the Customer name and address that appears in the memo screen by default after selection of Customer); the memo will insert into the Comments section of the invoice.
- Memo Line (Enter a memo line)
- The Memo Line function enables the cashier to enter a memo within the main body (Qty/Description field) of the POS Screen.
- Pay Account (Pay Customer Account)
- The Pay Account function enables the cashier to settle Customer Accounts directly from POS. The assumption is that a customer has a running account and has entered the outlet to settle the account.
- Percentage Discount of Item (Allows the entry of a percentage discount. Enter the % Discount then select this key)
- The Percentage Discount Item enables the cashier to enter a % discount on a particular product/item that has been scanned or selected for purchase.
- Percentage Discount of Total Sale (Allows the entry of a percentage discount for the transaction. Enter the %
Discount then select this key)
- The Percentage Discount of Total Sale function enables the cashier to apply a discount against the total sale value.
- Percentage Surcharge of Item (Allows the entry of a percentage surcharge. Enter the % Surcharge then select
this key)
- The Percentage Surcharge Item enables the cashier to enter a % surcharge on a particular product/item that has been scanned or selected for purchase.
- Percentage Surcharge of Total Sale (Allows the entry of a percentage surcharge for the transaction. Enter the %
Surcharge then select this key)
- The Percentage Surcharge of Total Sale function enables the cashier to apply a surcharge against the total sale value.
- Picking Slip (Print Picking Slip)
- The Picking Slip function automatically prints a picking slip for the warehouse staff to pick the products for delivery to the collections area. - The Picking Slip can be set to print to a designated Printer. Refer Templates for settings.
- Pre-pay Account (Pre-pay Customer Account) - The Pre-pay Customer Account function enables a cashier to
ring a Customer Pre-payment into the till.
- Price Over-ride ()
- The Price Over-ride function enables the cashier to manually adjust the price of a product either up or down. - NB: This function over-rides the Maximum Allowable Discount that has been established in Preferences/Sales.
- Print A4 Receipt (Prints an A4 Receipt)
- The Print A4 receipt enables an A4 receipt to be printed from the assigned printer. - Select the Products for the transaction; Complete the Transaction through the chosen tender method; Select the Print A4 pre-set key to print the A4 Receipt. (The receipt will be sent to the assigned printer for printout. Refer Templates).
- Product Number (Use to select a product by Product Number)
- The Product Number function enables a cashier to enter the internal Product Code/Number that has been assigned to a product. When the cashier enters the Product Number, the product is loaded into POS with the correct corresponding data as per the product card.
Product codes are assigned to products in the Miscellaneous Tab of the Product card. Refer to Inventory/New Product.
- Receipt On/Off (Enable/Disable Receipt Printer)
- The Receipt On/Off function allows the cashier to turn the receipt printer on or off as required.
- Refunds/Returns (Product Return/Refund)
- The Refunds/Returns function enables the cashier to process refunds and returns as required. The Refunds/Return function button provides the same functionality as the "F7 Refund" default key.
- Sales Person ID (Allocates a Sales Person)
- The Sales Person ID enables the cashier to enter their personal ID in to the keypad so the transaction/s is allocated to them as the Sales Person processing the sale.
- Split Account (Split Tab by Product)
- This function is used when a bill is to be split between 2 customers.
How to use the function:
Select the Split Tab pre-set button;
Select Customer who wants to split the tab with another customer;
Double-click on this customer and the opportunity to separate items from the bill between customers appears;
Select the Customer Account from the list provided in the drop-down box;
Highlight the items to be moved from 1 customer account to the other. The items and value will then appear on the other customers account.
- Split Tab (Split Tab Payment)
- This function is used where a group of people share the bill.
Select the Tab for payment from the Tab list;
Double-click on the Tab to return to the POS screen;
Enter an amount to be paid by one individual and select the pre-set Split Tab key and select the payment method;
Continue process until the balance is paid.
- Sub Product (Select Sub Product)
- The Sub Product function can only be used where Units of Measure and a Price Matrix have been set up for a product.
To us the Sub Product Function:
Select the Product List F2;
Select a product from the list with Units of Measure and Price Matrix applied;
Select a Product from the list, e.g. Beer with units of measure and associated prices;
Select the pre-set Sub Product key;
Select the unit of measure required from the drop-down menu, e.g. Jug;
Select OK; The appropriate price for a Jug of Beer is displayed in POS to enable the cashier to complete the transaction.
- Table Selector (Select a Customer located at table)
- This function enables a cashier to select a table within a restaurant, bar, hotel etc. in order to process items (food, drinks etc.) that are order by that table.
The Table Selector function is dependant upon setting up rooms with tables within Hospitality, and also the use of the Bar Tab function within POS.
- Tender Amex (Pay by American Express)
- Tender Diners Cub Card (Pay by Diner Club)
- Tender Mastercard (Pay by Mastercard)
- Tender Visa (Pay by Visa)
- The Tender (Card Type) functions are used where customers present credit cards and receive receipts which state he card brand name. The Tender Function (card type) enables the outlet to report on the transactions that have been processed by card type.
- Training Mode (Initiates Training Mode)
- This function enables the training of staff without affecting stock and cash as a result of trainee usage. The top viewer becomes Yellow.
- Transfer Tab (Transfer Tab to new Customer)
- Voucher (Issue and Redeem Voucher)
- This function enables the issue and redemption of vouchers within POS.
To issue vouchers:
Enter an amount to provide the cash value of the voucher at the point of redemption;
Select the pre-set voucher key;
Enter a voucher number by using the on-screen keypad or your keyboard; Select OK;
Select the 'Cash (F12) default key to save the voucher;
To redeem a voucher:
Select a product;
Click on Voucher and you will b taken to the Voucher List;
Select the Voucher as per the Voucher number presented;
Double-click on the voucher number and the transaction is completed.
Following are a few handy functions to complete the review on Customising POS
- Select File/Customise POS
- Select the 'Export' button.
Save the file a location of choice.
- Select File/Customise POS
- Select the 'Import' button.
- Select the file of the keypad you want to import, e.g. 'Main Keypad'.
- Double-click to load or highlight and select OPEN.
- Select File/Customise POS
- Select a pre-set key to assign a 'Shortcut Key' to, e.g. A2 'Ladies Runner'.
- Enter the letter of the shortcut you want to apply, e.g. 'L' into the ShortCut Key field.
- Note the letter will load onto the pre-set key.
- Return to POS main screen.
- Select the relevant keypad, i.e. the one you placed the ShortCut Key on.
- Type in the letter, e.g. 'L' to load the product.
- Select File/Customise POS
- Select a pre-set key to 'Reset' to 'Preset Not In Use'.
- Select the 'Reset' button.
- Select the 'Yes' to the following message, if you are sure you have made the correct selection.
- The Pre-set key will default back to 'Preset Not In Use'.
The same process applies to the 'Reset All' key, except this command will Reset every key on the selected Keypad.