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Logon Screen

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Revision as of 11:09, 2 October 2012 by Dene (Talk | contribs)

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Overview - Logon - Login - Log on

Listed below are some of the common reasons for not being able to logon to the ERP system. Please click on the relevant link to learn more.

1, Lost connection

           If you get this message box: This means your pc has lost connection to your server


2, No User Name or Password

      a, User is not set up and has never been setup

      b, After updating, my user name is not available

             i, First step is to check number 3, Wont update, if this does not solve the issue then manually download and install the user version onto the machine that cannot select a user name using this download

Once you have downloaded this file then copy it onto your computer under the ERP folder

C:\Program Files\ERP Software\ERP.exe. This will be the latest user version of ERP and providing the user version number matches the server version number this will correct the problem.

Typically these types of issues come about because the windows user does not have permission to update the ERP files.

3, Won't Update           

           Ensuring that all the databases are on the same Version. If any are in brackets, then the user version does not
           match the server and will require updating.
