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Journal Entry List

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The Journal Entry List displays all Journal Entries created according to the date range selected. You can drill into the Journal list to display details of individual Journal entries for viewing or editing. From the Journal Entry List you can also create new Journal Entry's

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated: 

How to Use the Journal Entry List.

Click on the Accounts Tab and select the Journal Entry List Button to open the Journal list.

The Journal List will display.

Searching for an Entry.

Select from the Drop down menu to select the search column then enter your search in the Search Text Box.

Select Accounting Period

To Display by Accounting Period Select from the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the Journal list.

Selecting Date Range

To search for a specific date range select custom from the list and enter the date range in the "From" and "To" Boxes or choose from the drop down date selection Menu. Also refer to the Global Features / Date Picker

Customise List

To Customise the Journal list click the Customise button, the Customise Screen will appear. Within this screen you can check or un-check the boxes to select or deselect the list columns. You can use the new button to create a new custom Column. See Global Features / Customising Lists for additional details.