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Lead List

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Revision as of 19:14, 9 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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The Lead List is a list of all current Leads showing the Lead Status. The fastest way to find an existing Lead is by this list.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

  • How to Access Lead List
  • Select Marketing tab
  • Select Lead List button
  • Double Click the lead name to edit or view details
  • Double Click any other field in the lead's row to create an action for the lead

Lead is an inquiry which can come through different marketing sources. The lead can converted into a close won sales or as a close lost. The Sales people usually starts with leads. Lead section will tell you how much action and effort it took to convert it into sales. Either it can come from marketing contact or telemarketing or you can create a new lead directly from here. Mark the lead status accordingly so that it can evaluated how much of effort has been put through. If the lead reaches the stage of quotation, Sales Order or Invoice you can directly go to that particular screen by clicking on the buttons available at the bottom.