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Customer Payment

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Within the Payments tab you are able to post payments to the customers account. Once an invoice has been created and goods or services are shipped, the invoice will appear within Customer_Payment as outstanding monies by Invoice. When payments are received from a Customer either by direct payments or as Prepayments they must be applied to the customer account within ERP to update the customers Account Balance. The Accounts Receivable Report (Or Debtor, Aged Trial Balance) is automatically updated when payments are made to a customers Account.

1. Where to set the Payment Preferences?

2. Why are these typically set as the current defaults?

3. How to add your own messages for 30,60,90 days overdue?

4. Why would group payments from POS?

5. Why would group payments from Customers/Jobs?

6. Why would group jobs on statements?

7. How to open the Accounts Receivable Report?

8. How to alter the name of the column within the list?

9. How to drill into transactions?

10. How to make To Do from the notes?

11. How to see To Do in your reminders?

12. How to open the Accounts Receivable Notes Report?

13. How to open the Customer Payment Form?

14. How to adjust the payment amount within the payment window?

15. How to understand why would you use "To be Deposited" function?

16. How do you apply a Refund to an Invoice?

17. How do you pay more against an Invoice?

18. How do you apply a discount to an Invoice from the payment form?

19. How do you pay directly from an Invoice?

20. How do you know what a Customer Prepayment is?

21. How can you open the payment list?

22. How can you drill into any payment from the list?

23. How can you make a payment based on suggestion?

24. How can you print a statement?

25. In the statement screen, where are your options?

26. Where can you find all the available templates?

28. Why should you not change any of these?

29. How do you select a default statement template?