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Supplier Prepayment List

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The Supplier Prepayment List displays all the prepayments entered into ERP for all your Suppliers.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How To Use the Supplier_Prepayment_List

  • Select the 'Payments' tab.
  • Select the 'Supplier_Prepayment_List' button.

Refer to Global Features for instructions on Customising Lists; Export Data; Report Printing Options; Filtering Lists; Searching f5 f6 f7; Date Range.

  • Select the relevant radio button for the list you wish to view, i.e. Supplier prepayments; Deleted Supplier Prepayments;

All Supplier Prepayments.

  • The Total Amount as per the selection criteria will be displayed below the Amount column.
  • The Total Records will be listed at the bottom left of screen as per list selection displayed.
  • Move columns to display the list as per your requirements, simply by grabbing the header with the left mouse and

dragging the column/s to the position of choice. Your settings will be saved upon closing the list.

  • To sort a column, left mouse click on the header. The hand will display indicating whether the sort is up or down,

i.e. A-Z or Z-A. (ERP sorts alpha numerically).

  • Select the 'New' button to create a new Prepayment directly from the List.
  • Refer to Supplier Prepayment for instructions on completing a Prepayment.