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Supplier Payment

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Within the Payments tab you are able to post payments to your Suppliers account. Once a Purchase Order has been created and goods or services are received, the Supplier invoice will appear within Supplier Payments by your Purchase order and the Supplier Invoice. When payments made either by direct Payments or as Prepayments they must be applied to the Suppliers account within ERP to update Suppliers Account payable balance. The Accounts Payable Report is automatically updated when payments are made to a Suppliers Account.

1. How to set the Payment preferences?

  • Select Utilities
  • Preferences
  • Payment, most of the accounts should stay as default

(please understand what you are changing before you will change it or just leave them as default).

2. How to view the Accounts Payable Report? The Accounts Payable Report is accessible via the following two tabs.

  • Banking Module
  • Payments Module

The Accounts Payable Report can be viewed in the following methods. Summary - This displays Outstanding Balances as a total per Supplier Details - This displays Outstanding Balances by Transaction type, e.g. Invoice Extra Details - This displays Outstanding Balances by PO etc. including all information regarding the transaction such as PO numbers.

3. How do you select the extra details function?

  • In the accounts payable report select the radio button in front of Extra Details.

4. How do you drill into the transactions?

  • Report figures are Drillable, i.e. you can drill into the transaction to view it in detail

5. How do we define the left hand column as the default in relation to searching?

  • Modules stated on the left
  • Item buttons on the right are all pertaining to that specific module

6. How does this filter do?

  • Right click to apply AND filter and again right click on another record select AND. At the bottom in red, filter criteria can be noticed. Right click again to select Preview this will show you the selected records that fit the filter criteria.

Similarly, OR filter can be applied.

7. How do you process a Supplier Payment? How to enter Supplier Payments

  • Click on the Supplier Payment button in the Payments tab.
  • Select a supplier from the drop down menu
  • Select the Amount that you are paying or tick the apply box to enter the full amount automatically. This will open the Conformation Window", Tick "Yes" to add the amount to the "Payment Amount"

8. Why would transactions be gray in the Supplier Payment form?

  • The transaction would appear gray if it is in a different currency. You can scroll to the right to view what foreign currency the transaction was made in.

9. Why do we simply tick before we load a total?

  • To apply payments towards specific invoices

10. How do you enter a purchase order to payment?

  • You select the purchase order for payment,double click, enter the PO # on the invoice, save.

11. How do you process a partial payment of a Purchase Order/Bill?

Main Screen select the Payment module

  • Select Supplier Payment button
  • Fill in Supplier
  • Fill in Foreign Currency
  • Fill in Payment Date, Payment Method, and Chq/Ref No
  • Click Apply
  • Fill in any Notes of transaction
  • Save

12. How would you use a pre-payment?

  • Pre-payments make or receive deposits on goods before any form of invoice has been received. You can apply these prepayments to an invoice once entered.

13. How do you open the pre-payment list?

  • Select Payment modules
  • Select Supplier Pre-Payment List button
  • Double click and you can now browse the Supplier Pre-Payment

14. Can you make a payment based on a suggestions?

  • Select 'Manual' as your basis of suggestion. If the basis chosen is not "Manual" ERP will pre-select transactions up to the value entered from transactions that match the 'Basis of Suggestion'.

15. How do you make the payment appear in the EFT form?

  • Select Banking module
  • Select EFT button
  • Fill in information
  • Click the Apply box
  • Click Export and create a file name
  • Print EFT form

16. How do you define EFT on your bank account in your chart of accounts?

  • The EFT function enables your company to process funds ready for electronic transfer. This function will create a file ready to be processed by your bank. You must register with your bank which will issue you with a number to enable you to access the EFT system.

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is an efficient means of processing single or multiple payments via a direct bank transfer.