7. Preferences
From TrueERP wiki
Preferences- Do you know how to set the Preferences for the company?
You can set preference for the company for each module.
- Go to Utilities Module
- Click Preferences
This will open the preferences window.
On the left side you can see all the modules.
Clicking on any module will show the preferences related to that module on the right side.
To find HELP for the preference you want, select the most appropriate link below.
- Accounts Preferences
- Appointments Preferences
- Colours Preferences
- Employee Preferences
- EDI & Integration Preferences
- Fixed Assets Preferences
- Inventory Preferences
- Manufacturing Preferences
- Messaging Preferences
- Payments Preferences
- Payroll Preferences
- POS Preferences
- Purchases Preferences
- Sales Preferences
- Speed Preferences
- Utilities Preferences
- Workshop