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The Miscellaneous tab is where you can enter various product specific information and specifications

How to Use Product/Miscellaneous tab

  • Create an Inventory Item
  • Select Miscellaneous Tab


  • Product Code - In this field you can add an optional product code of your choosing. Alternatively in Preferences<LinkId=232>

you can select to have a numeric product code created automatically for new products

  • Barcode (Barcode can be automatically generated if required - see Preferences<LinkId=232>)
  • Area
  • Popup Reminder When Product Is Sold - if selected the text entered will appear in the pos screen when the

product is sold.

  • Process Steps - See POS<LinkId=281> for details on using Process Steps.
  • Auto Price Update - Optionally choose to update Price automaticcally on Cost Increase and or Cost Decrease
  • Normal Delivery Time - Number of days it normally takes to get delivery from the supplier
  • Attachments - Here you can drag and drop documents related to the product. As large documents can effect

system speed you may prefer to attach a simple document with hyperlinks to the associated documents

Specifications Specifications allow you to associate a calculation to a product that is not linked to pricing. EG. For shipping purposes you may wish to display the amount of pallet space required for the product. The description may be Pallet Space. If you can fit 4 units on a pallet the value per product would be 0.25 and the calculation box should be ticked.

If Use Product Specifications is turned on in Preferences. a Purchase Order for 5 units would display the column Specifications with the value Pallet Space and the column Spec Qty with the value 1.25. This information could be printed on a picking slip etc