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Postcode Source and PO Number

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Tracking Sources (ie. the source of customer enquiries) allows you to enquire on and list sources of customer contact such as advertising campaigns like Yellow Pages, radio advertising etc as well as sources such as Referrals. You can monitor the number of enquiries and sales resulting from each Source.

In POS you have the ability to track 3 different Cash Customer source fields. Typically these are used where you don't know who the POS customer is and so this is a way to track some basic information about your customers

  • From the Main Menu select Utilities then Preferences then POS then scroll down to the Miscellaneous box

and you will see boxs headed with "Must Provide Postcode","Must Provide Source", etc.

  • When these boxes are checked a pop up will open at the POS asking you for postcodes or where you found

out about us. These options are catalogued for further examination.

Each of these fields can be viewed in the "Sales Report" after you customise the report to show these columns.