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Till Assignments

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The first step in customising POS is to set up your Preferences. Once you have done this you are ready to assign your Tills. To do this, follow these steps:

Select the POS button from the Top Toolbar

  • OR Select the Sales drop-down list from above the Top Toolbar, go down to POS then across to Customise


  • Select 'File' from the top toolbar within POS.
  • Select 'Customise POS' from the drop-down.
  • Select the 'Tills' button at the bottom of the Customise POS Keypad screen.
  • The Till Assignment screen loads with the 'Main' till assigned as Till #1.
  • Select Till Name 'Till 2' in the left hand column.
  • In the 'Till Name' field in the middle column, type in the new Till Name (eg. "Menswear") to replace Till 2.

NB: Refer Preferences/POS 'Multiple Tills'

If you select 'Save' you will be prompted if you have NOT already selected the preference 'Multiple Tills'. Refer Preferences/POS.

  • Till 2 is now called Menswear, note the name is changed in the first column also.
  • Select the 'Active' tickbox to make the Till available.
  • Select the 'Primary Keypad' from the drop-down list. Refer to Customising_Keypads.
  • Select the 'Department' (Cost Centre) if required.
  • Enter the Company Name, Address and contact numbers that you want printed on receipts from this Till.
  • Enter the Computer Name this Till relates to (refer to your IT person for the name).
  • OR Select "Assign To My Computer"
  • Select 'Clear' to remove the Computer selection.
  • Select 'Setup Customer Display' to create a separate display for a 2nd screen associated with this till. (This

full setup requires 2 screens to complete. IT assistance would be advantageous).

  • Select the tickbox 'Enable Customer Display' to start the setup process. This will highlight the 2nd line 'Enable

Power Point Screen Saver'.

  • Select the tickbox 'Enable Power Point Screen Saver' if you display (or wish to) a screensaver in between

transactions being processed. This will highlight the remainder of the information on this screen to allow the setup of the Screensaver.

  • Select 'Save' will load the following screen which should be moved to the 2nd screen as per instructions.

Exit POS after moving the Screen Saver to the 2nd screen and the set-up will be complete.

  • Receipt Printer details are set-up within this screen. Also refer to Preferences/POSfor further details and

Receipt_Printer settings.

  • Un-tick 'Use Default Printer Settings' to enable the Receipt Printer settings for this till.
  • Select 'Is Print Spooler' to enable the ability to print receipts from other tills.
  • Un-tick 'Is Print Spooler' to select another till from the drop-down list as the Print Spooler.
  • Select 'Kick Spooler Cash Draw' to automatically open the draw of the selected Print Spooler till upon a receipt

being printed.

NB: A 'Kicker' must be connected to the till draw.

  • Select 'Save' when you have completed setting up all of your Tills.
  • The changes will take effect the next time you start POS.

The next step is to create Keypads for your Tills.