Repair Fault
From TrueERP wiki
A Repair Fault is a manufacturers code for a particular fault, condition, symptom, defect or repair. eg. A particular manufacturer may want reports on the condition of equipment brought in for repair, the symptom reported, what defect was identified and the nature of the repair.
How To Create a Repair Fault
- Select the Workshop tab
- Select the Repair Fault button
- Select the manufacturer from the Manufacture drop down list
- Select the condition, symptom, defect orrepair radio button as required
- Enter the Manufacturers code
- Enter a description
- Select Save button
This information is now available for selection in the Extra Info tab within a repair. For any repair you can choose one each of condition, symptom, defect and repair
Adding a New Product Repair Fault:
You can also add a new product to Repair Fault List if the product is not in the manufacture drop down list. Write the product name in the manufacture space and press enter. The question will appear ‘Selection not in list, Create New?” Click Yes. This will open up a small window for further details about the manufacturer of the product. The name you entered will appear in the name section. The tab below name is Repair Export Configuration, clicking on this tab will show options that you want to keep intact with this product. The information that you do not want you can uncheck it.
This product entry will appear in Repair Fault List and also in theManufacture List.