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Customer List

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The Customer List displays all Customers and related Jobs entered into your ERP database. The Customer List is a valuable report in its own right. It would be an advantage to study the available information within this list, as it contains a great variety of data relating to your Customers.

You have the ability to customise the view of this list as a preferred setting for each User. This way whenever you load the Customer List by selecting the Customer List button, you will be confronted with the column settings of your choice, therefore the information you most need to see will be available for quick and easy viewing.

Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable (as some Customers are also Suppliers), and the Total Balance due for all of your Customers is readily available in the Customer List.

There are 15 customisable columns and a further 3 customisable date columns available to be used as per your requirements.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How To Use the Customer List

  • Select the 'Sales' module
  • Select the 'Customer List' button.
  • Double-click on any Customer to open the related Customer card.  Refer to New Customer for details on entering a new customer.
  • As you Scroll across the columns in the list, take note of the data available.

NB: The column names can be changed for the 'Custom Fields' columns, refer to Customising Lists

  • To view the columns as a list, select the 'Customise' button.  From here you can un-select columns that you do not wish to display in your default list by un-ticking the selection. Make sure that 'Job Sheet' has been selected.
  • To re-name a Custom Field, double click into the name and type in the name required, e.g. 'Customer Status' replaces 'CustFld1'.
  • To view the list by Department, un-tick 'All' and select the required Department from the drop-down list, e.g. 'Burleigh'.
  • Refer to Global Features for instructions on how to use the following functions;Filter; Search; Export; Customise; Print.
  • Use the tick boxes to display the list required, i.e. Active Customers Only, Inactive Customers Only or All.
  • Select the 'Related' button to display the list of Related Customers.
  • Select the 'Customer' button to return to the full Customer List.
  • Select a Customer by highlighting the row to enable you to create a New Job for the selected Customer and Select the     'New Job' button.
  • The Job Sheet will load automatically with a Job Number, type in the Job Sheet Name that you want.

NB: The Customer name will auto fill into the heading of the Job. Continue completing the Job details as required.

  • Select 'Save'.

The newly created Job will now be displayed in the list as a separate entry, still under the name you created with the Job Name listed in the Job Name column.

NB: The 'Job Name' button is grayed out unless the Customer Name selected is a main card Customer, i.e. not a Job of a Customer.

  • Select the 'New' button to enter a New Customer.

How to Merge Customers

In some circumstances you may need to merge two customers. eg. If a customers name has changed it is not possible to simply change the name in the customer file as this is the unique identifyer for the record. You must create a new customer with the new name and merge the old customer into it.

  • Select Sales
  • Select Customer List
  • Hold down the control key Ctrl and select the customer name that you want to keep
  • Continue to hold down the Crtl key and select the customer you want merged into the first customer
  • Right Click your mouse and select Merge