Sales Order List
From TrueERP wiki
The Sales Order List is a report on all the sales orders created within your ERP database. You can convert a Sales Order to an Invoice from within the Sales Order List. The Sales Order List is directly linked to the Back Orders by Sales Order list at the touch of a button. All Future Sales Orders can be viewed by selecting the relevant radio button from within the Sales Order List.
Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:
How to use Invoice List
- Select the Sales tab
- Select the Sales Order List button
- Select the 'Show Layby's' tick box, if you are using the POS Layby function, to view a list of all Layby's in the
- Select the required list by choosing the relevant radio button, i.e. 'Sales Orders'; 'Future Orders'; 'Converted';
- 'All Sales Orders'. e.g. The Converted list displays all Sales Orders that have been converted to an Invoice.
- The 'Total Records' will be displayed at the bottom left of screen for any list selection.
- Double-click to drill into the Sales Orders listed. The converted Sales Orders will have a notation "Has Been
- Converted" to identify that conversion has taken place.
- Select the 'Backorders' button to view the list of Back Order by Sales Order entered.
- Refer to 'BackOrders' for further instructions on placing back orders.
- Select the 'SO List' button to return to the Sales Order List.
NB: Some letters are underlined within all ERP screens. If you are a keyboard person rather than a mouse person, this functionality is for you…
- To select some commands without using your mouse you can use the ALT function key and select the relevant
underlined letter on your keyboard to load the entry, e.g. to Close the Sales Order List, select the ALT keyboard key and the letter 'c' on your keyboard at the same time.
- Select the 'New' button to open and create a new Sales Order.
- Refer to Sales Order for instructions on data entry.
- Highlight a Sales Order from the list that you wish to convert to an Invoice.
- Select the 'Invoice' button.
- The Sales Order will automatically be converted to an Invoice, and the Invoice will display on-screen. (Refer to
Preferences/Sales for options.)
- This newly converted Sales Order to Invoice will now be displayed in the Converted list.
- Select the 'Ctrl' keyboard button and highlight multiple Sales Orders for the SAME Customer to merge the Sales
Order into one invoice.
- Select the 'Invoice' button.
- The Sales Orders will automatically be converted to ONE Invoice, and the Invoice will display on-screen. (Refer to
Preferences/Sales for options.)
- Select the 'Close' button to close the Sales Order List, either with your mouse or by 'ALT c'