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Talk:Appointment Status

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Regarding the plural of "Status" here are some notes from the Oxford dictionary:

"Status" is a male noun of the Fourth Declension in Latin, and as such the plural is "status", spelled identically, only pronounced 'stay-toos'.

If you wish to indicate the fact that you mean to use the plural, you can use the accented 'û', giving "statûs".

I would say that using "statuses" indicates that you are not interested in the word's root, and have decided to modernise it, which is up to you and is fine by modern standards.

Endings such as "stati" (pronounced 'stay-tee') or "states"/"statês" (pronounced 'stay-tays') do nothing but demonstrate the user's laziness; by mashing the incorrect Latin ending onto a modern English word and hoping for the best, you demonstrate ignorance of your own language as well as of another.

Of course, there may be a better English word that suits the occasion; "state" is often a more appropriate noun to use than "status", and those seeking to use flowery language may be better off calming down, and using the more simple noun "state".

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