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New Appointments Overview

Within the Appointments section of ERP, you can create new appointments for reps of your company You can enter the Company name, which selects a customer from your customer list and automatically enters all the details of that specific customer onto the appointment You can also enter a scheduled start and end time and date, or enter the actual time the rep turned up on site You can also cancel and reschedule your appointments.

You also have the ability to load in unlimited services for the reps and have these fill to the charge rateFrom the appointment screen you can then generate timesheets and invoices

You can organise re-occurring or repeat appointments as well as load in equipment lists, notes and feedback

Appointments can then be emailed directly to the rep or the company that the rep is going to visit.

How to Add a New Appointment

  • Click on the Appointments tab
  • Click on the New Appointments button
  • The Company Name field refers to a list of Customers that appear in your customer list Once you select a Customer the address and phone, Alt phone, and fax number will appear, you can change and alter that phone, alt phone and fax numbers.
  • The Rep field refers to the specific employee that the appointment will be generated to. The appointment will appear in the Main Calendar under this specific Rep name.
  • The Last Rep field refers to the last representative of your company to visit this specific client site.
  • The Entered By field refers to who the employee was that entered the appointment.
  • Located in the Schedule tab is the Booked date and time, you can select the date that the appointment will be set to along with the start and end time The total hours column will then appear with the total amount of hours the rep is due to stay out on site.
  • The Actual date and times section is the actual date and time the rep appeared out on site This will then calculate the total amount of ACTUAL hours the rep was out on site.

Rescheduling an Appointment

To reschedule an appointment to a different date and time:

  • Click on the Appointments tab
  • Select the Appointments list.
  • Double click on the specific appointment that you wish to reschedule
  • Select the Reschedule tick box located on the right hand side of the screen, the date field will now appear. You can select the date that you wish to reschedule the appointment to. Once you have selected the date that you wish to reschedule the appointment to, the date that you rescheduled the appointment will then appear underneath the rescheduled date This appointment will then appear in the Main Calendar for this date.

Cancelling an Appointment

To Cancel an appointment:

  • Click on the Appointments tab of ERP
  • Select the Appointments list.
  • Double click on the specific appointment that you wish to cancel.
  • Select the Cancellation tick box located on the right hand side of the screen above the rescheduled tick box. Once you have selected this tick box, you can enter the date that the appointment was cancelled. There is also a 'Reason' field that will appear when selecting the cancellation tick box, you can enter the reason why the appointment was
    cancelled if required.

Repeating an Appointment

  • Click on the Appointments tab of ERP
  • Select the appointments list.
  • Double click on the specific appointment that you wish to repeat.
  • Select the Repeat button located on the far right of the screen.
  • The following screen will appear, this screen allows you to repeat the appointment either, Daily, Weekly or monthly
  • You can also choose whether to post before or after on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday.
  • On the right hand side of the screen you can select the start date and final date that you want to repeat the appointment for.
  • Click OK
  • The Appointment will now appear in the Main Calendar.

Creating a Service for an Appointment & posting through to POS & Invoice

  • Click on the Employee tab
  • Select the Rep List button
  • Double click on the specific Rep that the appointment that you wish to invoice is for.

Once the Representative screen appears:

  • Select the Rate Info tab.
  • Select the dropdown menu for the Service Type
  • Select a service that you wish the specific Rep to charge when booked to go to a client site.

The charge rate will automatically appear.

  • Click Save
  • Go to the Appointments tab and select the new appointments button
  • Select a Company name
  • Select the Rep as the rep you assigned the service to.
  • Click on the Service tab, the service that you entered on the Rep will appear in this section, select the tick box.
  • Once you select the tick box ERP will automatically take you back to the main Schedule tab The charge rate that was applied to the service will now appear in the 'Charge Rate section.
  • Select the POS or invoice button located on the bottom, left hand side of the appointment
  • ERP will generate a message asking you to confirm that you wish to convert the appointment to a POS or Invoice transaction.
  • The POS screen or the invoice will now appear on your screen with the charge rate that was applied to the invoice.

Deleting an Appointment

If you have created an appointment by mistake:

  • Click on the Appointments tab
  • Select the appointments list button
  • Select the specific appointment that you have created in error from the appointments list
  • Select the Deleted button located on the bottom right hand corner of the appointment *Click Save

Equipment through Appointment

  • Click on the Appointments tab of ERP
  • Select the appointments list.
  • Double click on the specific appointment that you wish to apply equipment to. The equipment is used for when a specific equipment item is needed to be used for the appointment.
  • Click on the Equipment button
  • Click in the Equipment Name field and type in a specific equipment item that you wish to send out on the appointment
  • Tab out a prompt will appear asking you to create new, click YES
  • The equipment box will then appear Enter a Description if necessary.
  • Click Save
  • Click Save on the Appointment

Adding Notes to an Appointment

  • Click on the Appointments tab of ERP
  • Select the appointments list.
  • Double click on the specific appointment that you wish to apply notes to.
  • There is a notes section down the bottom left hand side of the screen Enter in any additional that are required regarding the appointment.