Terminate Employee
From TrueERP wiki
The Termination wizard will calculate an employees final pay, process the pay and print out ETP information as well as making the employee inactive. You can choose to include any outstanding pays in the termination payment or you can process the employee's normal pay first and then process the termination and any related payment.
How do you use the Terminate Employee wizard
- Select Payroll tab
- Select Terminate Employee button
- Follow steps 1 through 7
- At step 2, select Pay Employee if there are outstanding pays otherwise choose Do Not Pay
If paying the employee you can view and edit the pay from the View/Edit Pay button
- Continue through to step 7 entering information as prompted.
If at any time you find that you are asked for information that you do not have to hand you can choose to put the Termination on Hold. You can step back and make changes at any time prior to saving.