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Repair Fault

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Revision as of 12:07, 3 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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A Repair Fault is a manufacturers code for a particular fault, condition, symptom, defect or repair. eg. A particular manufacturer may want reports on the condition of equipment brought in for repair, the symptom reported, what defect was identified and the nature of the repair.

How To Create a Repair Fault

  • Select the Workshop tab
  • Select the Repair Fault button
  • Select the manufacturer from the Manufacture drop down list
  • Select the condition, symptom, defect or repair radio button as required
  • Enter the Manufacturers code
  • Enter a description
  • Select Save button

This information is now available for selection in the Extra Info tab within a repair. For any repair you can choose one each of condition, symptom, defect and repair