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Statements List

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Revision as of 10:54, 1 March 2011 by Andrew (Talk | contribs)

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The Statements List button allows you to enquire on Customer Statement Details. You can display Customer Statement information at Summary or Detail level. The Statement List also displays the status of each Customer transaction, e.g. if full payment or partial payment has been made against an invoice.

Lists in ERP can be Filtered, Searched, Customised, Printed and Exported.

How To View the Statements List

  • Select the Payments tab
  • Select Print Statements button

To search for specific data:

  • Select the Search Column from the drop-down list, e.g. Customer Name. Alternately you can click into any field within the required search column, this will automatically update the search column field.
  • Type in the first few letters of the name you are searching for, e.g. 'bu'. The Customer's beginning with 'bu' will be retrieved and highlighted for your selection. The more letters you type in the search text field, the narrower your searched results will be. In this example 'Burns' is the only Customer starting with 'bu'.
  • Select a Custom date range from the 'Custom' drop-down list to display the Statements for a specified time frame, e.g. Today, Last Week, Last Month etc.
  • Select an exact date range from the 'From' and 'To' date selectors to load a date criteria outside the custom boundaries.
  • The Statements List can be viewed in 'Summary' mode by selecting the 'Summary' radio button. OR the Statement List can be viewed in 'Detailed' mode by selecting the 'Detailed' radio button. The Detailed list includes payment transactions for the period, detailing the receipt number for each payment.
  • The Status column displays whether the invoice has been fully paid, partially paid, or whether the transaction is an invoice or payment. This feature is very handy not only for you, but also for your Clients, as they can view this list and refer back to their records if/when required.

You can drill-down from both Summary and Detailed lists to view the origin of each transaction.

  • Scroll across (or Customise your list) to display the terms of each account, i.e. whether transactions are within terms or are now overdue for payment.
  • To display transactions for only one Customer, use the Add to Filter and Execute Filter option.
  • Total number of records in the selected range will display at the bottom left of screen.
  • Current Filter e.g. [Flag] = 'Summary' with display below the number of records.
  • Select the 'Customise' button to personalise your list display.
  • Select the 'Export' button to enable you to open your list in another program e.g. Excel.
  • Select the 'Print' button to print a copy of the list displayed.