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17 Inventory Advanced

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Inventory (Advanced) Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Multiple Sell Prices Do you understand the main pricing structures within ERP?

2. [ ] Customer Types Has it been explained how and why you would set-up client types?

3. [ ] Extra Sell Has the Extra Sell price stucture being explained in the Product setup?

4. [ ] Date Ranged Has the Extra Sell price stucture being explained in the Product setup?

5. [ ] Sell Volumes How do you create price points based on sell volumes?

6. [ ] Foreign Sell Has it been explained how to set the foreign currency value against a Customer?

7. [ ] Extra Buy Can you enter extra Buy Prices for your Suppliers?

8. [ ] Supplier Codes Can you enter the supplier codes for a product?

9. [ ] Foreign Buy Has it been explained how to set the foreign currency value against a supplier?

10. [ ] Importing Values Has it been explained how to import the Extra Sell and Buy prices?

11.[ ] Serial Numbers Do you know how to turn on Serial Number Tracking?

12.[ ] Allocation Of How do Serial Numbers interact with purchase and sales transactions?

13.[ ] Allocating Bins How do you activate bins to be used?

14.[ ] Selling from a Bin How do Bins interact with purchase and sales transactions?

15.[ ] Creating Batches How do you activate batches to be used?

16.[ ] Allocating Batches How do Batches interact with purchase and sales transactions?

17.[ ] Data Updater Do you know how to update bins/batches on mass through the inventory Data Update Button?

18.[ ] Allocating Serial Numbers How do you activate Serial Numbers to be used?

19.[ ] Creating Serial Numbers Do you know how to create and load Serial Numbers?

20.[ ] Selling Serial Numbers How do Serial Numbers interact with purchase and sales transactions?

21.[ ] F9 How do you display Serial Numbers that are currently in ERP?

22.[ ] Bill Of Materials Do you know how to use the manufacturing side of ERP?

23.[ ] Barcode Picking Have you been shown the Barcode Picking for use in the warehouse area?

24.[ ] Auto Adjust Have you been shown how the Auto Adjust Bins button works?

25.[ ] Matrix Products Have you watched the Video on how to use Matrix Styled Products?

26.[ ] Department Quantities How do you view what stock is in what location?

27.[ ] Multiple Barcodes Where do you assign extra barcodes for the same product?

28.[ ] Pop Up Messages Where do you assign messages for the product?

29.[ ] Attachments How do you add documents to a product?

30.[ ] Related Parts Do You know how to create a related product and how to nest related products?

31.[ ] Customer History Can you view Customer HIstory and product Movement?

32.[ ] Pictures Can you add a picture to the product?

33.[ ] Customisable Fields What can you track with Customisable Fields?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?

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