Appointments List
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Revision as of 18:37, 5 December 2013 by Cyle van Niekerk (Talk | contribs)
Within the Appointments_List you can view all Active, converted, non converted and deleted appointments, for specific date
ranges. Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated: Filtering Lists , Searching f5 f6 f7 , Customising Lists , Report Printing Options and Export Data.
How to View Appointments List
- Select the Appointments section of ERP
- Select the Appointments_List button
From the Appointments_List you can view all Converted, Non Converted, or Deleted appointments.
- To view an appointment, double click the specific appointment and the appointment screen will appear. You can amend any details from within the Appointments screen.
Converting an Appointment to a Invoice
- Select the Appointments section of ERP
- Select theAppointments_List button
- Click on the specific appointment that you wish to convert to an invoice.
The Appointment will then become highlighted.
- Select the 'Invoice Conversion' tick box, the 'Select all in Grid' tick box will now become available.
- Select the Invoice button
This creates an invoice for the services that were applied to the appointment.